Chapter 15: Oops

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As Mei fights alongside her parents, Chongyun and Xingqiu, a seamless harmony of combat prowess and familial bond envelops them. With practiced precision, they navigate the battlefield, each movement a testament to their synchronized teamwork and unwavering determination.

Chongyun, his claymore shimmering with frost, unleashes a barrage of chilling attacks, freezing their adversaries in their tracks with icy blasts. His movements are fluid yet powerful, his strikes calculated to immobilize and incapacitate their foes.

Meanwhile, Xingqiu weaves a delicate dance of water and sword, his blade slicing through the air with graceful precision. As he conjures torrents of hydro energy, he creates a barrier of protection around his family, shielding them from harm and providing strategic support in the heat of battle.

Mei, with her agile polearm, becomes a whirlwind of motion, her strikes swift and decisive. With each precise jab and spin, she exploits the weaknesses of their enemies, delivering devastating blows that leave hilichurls and monsters alike reeling in defeat.

Together, they form an unstoppable trio, their individual strengths complementing each other in perfect harmony. As they face wave after wave of adversaries, their bond only grows stronger, fueling their determination to emerge victorious against all odds.

Amidst the chaos of battle, they find solace in each other's presence, drawing strength from the unbreakable ties of family and the shared purpose that drives them forward. In the heat of combat, they are not just warriors, but a united force bound by love, loyalty, and a shared destiny.

As the battle intensifies, Xingqiu finds himself momentarily distracted, his attention momentarily diverted from the oncoming threat. Mei's sharp cry pierces through the chaos, her voice trembling with urgency as she shouts out a warning.

"Mother, look out!"

"Well, you fucked up," Kaiyo comments dryly, her tone echoing with a mixture of amusement and mild reproach.

"Language!" booms the voice of Captain America, startling everyone in the theater.

All eyes turn towards Mailin, their confusion evident in their expressions.

Mailin simply shrugs, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes. "I installed that feature for moments just like this," she explains casually, a faint smile playing at the corners of her lips.

The words hang in the air, a jarring reminder of the unexpected twist of fate that has brought them together. Xingqiu freezes, his heart skipping a beat at the unexpected address, the weight of the revelation settling heavily upon him.

Chongyun, sensing the gravity of the moment, reacts swiftly, moving to intercept the incoming attack before it can reach Xingqiu. With a flurry of ice, he deflects the blow, protecting his partner from harm.

Xingqiu's gaze meets Mei's, a silent acknowledgment passing between them as they navigate the complexities of their newfound connection. In that brief exchange, a bond is forged, bridging the gap between past and future, parent and child.

With renewed determination, they press on, their shared visions guiding their movements as they face the onslaught of enemies together. Kaiyo's crackling electro attacks illuminate the battlefield, while Yuko's flames dance with fierce intensity, casting a fiery barrier against their foes. Terai's dendro powers entangle their adversaries, ensnaring them in a web of verdant energy, while Mei's hydro abilities provide healing and support, replenishing their strength in the heat of battle.

Side by side, they fight as one, a united force against the encroaching darkness. In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, they find strength in each other, drawing courage from the unbreakable bonds of family and friendship.

After the battle's frenzied climax, a solemn quiet descends upon the group, each member catching their breath amidst the remnants of the skirmish.

Xingqiu, his mind still reeling from Mei's inadvertent slip of the tongue, finds himself unable to shake off the weight of her words.

"Mei," he begins, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, "I couldn't help but notice... Why did you call me 'mother'?"

"Well, now I know why." Xingqiu says.

The question hangs in the air, lingering between them like an unspoken truth waiting to be unraveled. Mei shifts uncomfortably under Xingqiu's gaze, her hydro vision casting a gentle glow around her as she searches for the right words.

"It's... it's nothing, really," she stammers, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I-I must have misspoken in the heat of the moment. It was a slip of the tongue, nothing more."

Xingqiu studies her carefully, his keen intellect piecing together the fragments of their shared experience. There's a depth to Mei's gaze, a hidden truth waiting to be unearthed beneath the surface.

"Mei," he persists gently, reaching out to place a comforting hand on her shoulder, "you can trust us. Whatever the reason, we're here for you."

Mei's resolve wavers, her gaze flickering between Xingqiu and Chongyun, her hydro vision pulsating with uncertainty. In that moment of vulnerability, she finds solace in their unwavering support, the warmth of their presence a reassuring anchor in the storm.

With a heavy sigh, she finally relents, her voice barely a whisper as she reveals the truth she's been hiding.

Mei takes a deep breath, summoning the courage to reveal the truth she has carried with her across time and space. Her hydro vision gleams with determination as she meets the gaze of her past parents, Chongyun and Xingqiu, her voice steady despite the tumult of emotions swirling within her.

"I... I come from the future," she begins, her words echoing with a weight that belies her youthful appearance. "In my time, you are my parents—Chongyun and Xingqiu."

Chongyun's brows furrow in confusion, his expression a mix of disbelief and curiosity as he processes Mei's revelation. Xingqiu's eyes widen in astonishment, his mind racing to comprehend the implications of Mei's words.

"The future?" Chongyun echoes, his voice laced with incredulity. "But how is that possible? And why are you here?"

Mei takes a moment to gather her thoughts, her gaze drifting to the horizon as she searches for the right words to explain the inexplicable.

"I... I don't fully understand it myself," she admits, her tone tinged with uncertainty. "Something happened—a phenomenon beyond my control—that brought me here, to this moment in time. And as for why I'm here... I believe I was meant to find you, to meet you before you became my parents."

Xingqiu's expression softens with compassion, his eyes reflecting the depth of his understanding as he absorbs Mei's words.

"It's a lot to take in," he acknowledges, his voice gentle and reassuring. "But regardless of the circumstances, you are welcome here with us. We may not fully understand what's happening, but we're here to support you, Mei."

Chongyun nods in agreement, his initial skepticism giving way to a quiet acceptance of Mei's truth.

"We may not know what the future holds," he says, his voice resolute, "but we'll face it together, as a family."

With those words, Mei feels a weight lift from her shoulders, replaced by a sense of belonging and acceptance she never thought possible. In that moment, amidst the uncertainty of the future and the mysteries of the past, she finds solace in the embrace of her newfound family, bound together by love and destiny.

"Typical ending for that." Kaiyo drawls sarcastically.

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