3. Dinfast

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I dedicate this chapter to Danii2 and you all REALLY need to check out her book "An Elemental's Chronicle, Book 1: Found but Not Lost". This one will definitely keep you on edge as you go with Mark on his journey of weird happenings. Go, check it out! :)




F*cker's Burgers

I stared wide eyed at the yellow illuminated name of the diner placed a few meters away from me. I was pretty sure, that my jaw touched the ground too. Why would anyone keep this as their diner's name? 'This is anything but a family diner,' I declared mentally.

As we stepped closer to the old, worn-out looking diner, which was not located in a very good part of the city, I resisted the urge to smack myself and still, have a good laugh at my dirty mind's dirty thinking. The name of the 'nice family diner' was not what I mentioned earlier.

'Who would even think of such a name?' 

'You and your dirty mind,' was the answer, which came from within me.

It was 'Becker's Burgers'. The 'B' of Becker's was not illuminated properly, just 'I' part of B was lighted up and E was not at all illuminated like the rest of the alphabets of this nice named restaurant. So, nobody could blame me for assuming what I assumed was its name.

After our little adventure with the early man, we drove around the city, laughing like maniacs, with no care in the world. All of a sudden, both of us felt hungry pangs in our stomach and she exclaimed, very excitedly, "Oh, I know the perfect place!"

Little did I know, that the place 'Becker's Burgers' looked far from perfect.

We entered the small place and I noticed that it was completely empty. I looked around as she started moving towards a table. The diner looked fairly decent from the inside. It was neat and everything at the counter looked well placed, but there was no one behind the counter as well, which made me wonder whether this place was even open or not. The interiors were all wooden, I think so, as it was all brown. I shortly followed her and sat down across her at a corner table. The table between us was very narrow and long. The chairs, red in color, were okay and not very comfortable.

Paying attention to the army of rats racing in my stomach, I quickly picked up the menu kept on the table between us. The menu that I had picked up 'quickly' was snatched from my hand even more quickly. I gave a tired look towards the snatcher, but she just shrugged and kept the menu back at its place. I gave her a questioning look, which she ignored. "Martin! Martin!" she shouted, stressing too much on Martin the second time and looking towards the counter as she called someone.

Well, that someone was obviously named Martin.

This reminds me...

"Hey!" I interrupted her.

"Hello," she replied, sarcastically. She didn't even spare me a glance as she kept looking towards the counter, tilting her head in all directions, as if Martin was hiding behind some jar or container and would pop out upon hearing her voice. Who was Martin? A rat?

I chuckled at her response. "What's your name?" I asked, feeling very careless and stupid for not having a little introduction session with her when we met. I spent half of the night with her and didn't even ask her name. Well, neither did she, but she had a nickname for me, that too a very creative one.

She looked at me for a few seconds in disbelief and her expressions changed to that of realization, which made her laugh very loudly. I could not help but join her and soon both of us were laughing at the absurdity of our situation. Once we calmed down, we looked at each other waiting for the other to start the introduction. She had a huge grin on her face and, probably, I mirrored her expressions.

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