12. Understanding the Misunderstandings

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Dedicating this chapter to Wattioners for the awesome banner on the side. :) Thank you for making this banner and for being a regular reader, commenter and voter!!! I REALLY appreciate. :) <3




Have you ever in your life wished that you had a superpower of disappearing into the air whenever you wished to?

Have you ever in your life wished that you had a time machine, so that you could go back in the past and fix whatever sh*t you had done earlier in your life?

At this particular moment, all I could wish was that I could do either of the two things mentioned above.

Either, I wanted to disappear from this place and let my family and Kim handle this situation themselves; or, I wanted to go back in time and stop my malfunctioning tongue from making that pathetic joke.

But, no! Fate was not kind enough to give me what I wished, and here I was standing on my porch, between a very furious looking Kim and a very puzzled looking Warren family.

My wide eyes travelled from Kim as she said those dreadful words to my family, who were soon going to really abandon me. Dad and Mom were looking at Kim like she was an alien and said something in a foreign language that was beyond their understanding. Hailey had a look on her face that said 'what-just-happened?' as she looked at Kim, while Brian was looking at Kim and then me, with an amused smirk on his lips. He definitely knew that it was all my doing.

Mom removed her eyes from the supposed alien and looked at me. "Keith?" she asked with her eyebrows furrowed and confusion was clear in her dark blue eyes.

It took me a moment to realize that I was Keith and her question was directed towards me. Suddenly, all the eyes were on me, waiting for me to explain. I had to say something. I had to do something to fix this awkward situation and save my ass at the same time.

I laughed.

An awkwardly forced laugh, I might add.

"Hahaha. You-haha-are-haha-such-ha-funny-haha-girl, Kim," I said between my fake laughs. To add effect, I clapped my hands and clutched my stomach. Kim looked at me baffled as I made my way towards her, still fake laughing. Dramatically, I clapped my hands in appreciation of her 'humor'. "I'm impressed, Kim. You pulled it off really well," I told her, patting her on the back.

My family started laughing a bit slowly as they realized that it was all a joke that Kim had made, while Kim was still looking at me in utter confusion.

"But you-" she started, but I cut her off.

"Yes, yes. I give up. You're a genius actor." I surrendered my hands in the air, still laughing. By now, my family was in hysterics as if they understood the entire situation.

'I really am a genius actor,' I thought with a slight smirk. My slight smirk was vanished when my eyes landed on Kim's confused and angry face.

"What the he-" she started off with her jaw tightly shut.

"Heroic act it was," I finished her, loudly. "Right, guys?" I turned to look at my family and they nodded readily. Smiling like a Cheshire cat, I faced her again and saw her eyes turned to slits as she understood my joke or rather lie. All of a sudden, gone was the cheshire cat, as I felt like a wet, homeless cat.

"I'll explain later," I mumbled, loud enough for her to hear.

"You think?" she retorted, raising her eyebrows.

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