7. Night has just begun

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Dedicating this chapter to my wattpad friend Lydiad55. Go & check out her books... just like her, her books are awesome too. :)

A/N - It was originally a very long chapter & I decided to cut it in half. So, the next part would be uploaded soon. :) Enjoy!




I met Adam's curious gaze the moment I stepped back into the apartment after dropping Kim at her hotel. I knew he was waiting for Kim to leave and shower me with various questions that were running through his mind. He looked like a perfect interrogator with his hands behind his head as he sat comfortably on the blue couch and his legs resting on the table in front of him.

Shutting the door behind me, I released a mouthful of air before facing him and gave him an innocent smile. He raised his left eyebrow in response and I ran my hand through my brown hair. Realizing that the questions could not be avoided any further, I sat down on the recliner opposite Adam and chose to look at the brown wall past Adam's head.

"You owe me an explanation, Keith." He pointed out calmly, trying not to sound rude. "When I asked you to postpone the trip by two hours, you replied with a 'not possible' and now you have postponed it for a week. One whole week; seven days and that too for a girl." His voice rising with every word he said, showing that he was losing his cool.

For some strange reason, the brown wall and the patterns on it appeared to be extremely interesting to me. "I don't know, okay? I guess, I just want to spend some time with her," I answered very calmly, looking at one of the patterns that looked like a broken egg.

"What do you mean by spending time with her?" he asked, removing his legs from the table and leaning forward to keep his elbows on his knees. "Do you like her?" he asked.

My eyes snapped to him, losing all interest in the broken egg design and I started laughing at his absurd question. "Are you crazy? Where did that come from?" I asked between my laughs.

"Then why would you postpone such an important trip for her?" he countered question me.

I looked straight in his eyes when I stopped laughing and copied his posture. "I met her after a very long time and I just want to hang out with her. Not the way we 'hang out' with other girls, but the way we hang out with each other," I told him the truth.

"From where do you know her?" he asked, tilting his head to his left.

"When I went to Miami after senior year," I answered.

He nodded thoughtfully and narrowed his eyes at me. He asked with accusation his voice, "Why am I hearing about it now, after more than two years? Why didn't you tell me about her when you came back from Miami?"

That's right! I never told anyone about Kim and the adventurous night I had spent with her. Maybe because I was too embarrassed to tell my friends that I sacrificed sex for a tomboy and I peed on a stranger's door in the middle of the night, or maybe because I wanted that night just as a memory that belonged to me and not to be shared.

I sighed heavily and answered all his questions, "It was nothing important. I met her on my last night in Miami and really enjoyed it. She is really cool. Just like us; she is one of the boys. Hanging out with her is like hanging out with you. I'm not ditching anyone, Adam. You and my family are the most important people in my life and nothing can change that. I just want her to enjoy her stay here because it's obvious that Laura would be busy with her boyfriend and Kim would have nothing to do. I'm just repaying her for that night, in my way. That's it."

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