21. Fitting perfectly

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Dedicating this chapter to breathetolove as she is one of my very first readers and she had been a regular voter and commentor on all my chapters. You are so awesome. :) Thank you sooo much for your support. I really appreciate it. :)

Banner on the side - thevaliant07. You are so awesome girl. :) Thank you!




What is a Miracle?

As defined in Wikipedia - A miracle is an event not ascribable to human power or the laws of nature and consequently attributed to a supernatural, especially divine, agency.

As defined by a common man - Miracle is a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment.

As defined by Warren family - Keith waking up early morning on his own will is Miracle.

Everyone in this household remembers the tough times they used to have to wake me up for school. The way Dad used to bribe me to take me to football matches or arcade; the way Mom used to cook all my favorite dishes in breakfast so I would wake up and reach school on time; the way Hailey used to jump on my comfortable bed to wake me up and I used to push her in order to make her fall; the countless times when Adam used to lose his precious sleep of half hour in order to wake me up and I breaking more than twenty alarm clocks that he used to keep on my side bed.

Let's just say that in these twenty one years, I've watched way too many football matches, always had my favorite dishes in breakfast, Hailey fell down from my bed so many times that now her body seems to have a fall-proof material and Adam gets a good seventy-five percent discount on alarm clocks from the electronics store near our apartment.

"Keith, is that you?" My mother's shocked voice after seeing me awake at eight in the morning was something I had expected. So I was not surprised at the way she was looking at me with eyes wide as meatballs, like I was an alien who had descended the human planet twenty one years ago and she just found out that her own son was not actually her son, but her alien twin sister's son.

"Good morning, Mom," I greeted her with a grin on my face.

The next thing she did definitely surprised me. Very smoothly, she dropped the tray with tea cups on it and they fell with a loud shattering noise. "Oh, dear God!" she exclaimed covering her mouth with her hands like she had just won the title of 'Miss Universe'. My mother was more suitable for winning the title of 'Drama Queen'. And, soon it was time for her never ending rant to start. "I can't believe this. Are you really awake? Oh, Keith. This is some kind of miracle. It's like God has finally given me an answer of all the prayers I did over the years."

I decided to interrupt her in hopes of making her quiet. "Mom, you prayed this? Seriously?" I asked her ridiculously.

"What's the matter?" Hailey reached the dining area, rubbing her eyes; the eyes, which widened dramatically once she spotted me.

As if I was talking to myself and as if Hailey never made an appearance, our dear mother ignored us and continued, "This is such a precious moment. I want to capture it forever. Oh, where is the camera?"

At this question, I shook my head in disbelief and looked towards Hailey, who was already looking at me with wide eyes. 'Is she serious?' We both were asking from each other silently.

"Oh, do you remember when we went to Houston to meet your Uncle Peter? It was such a wonderful summer. We all had so much fun and we took so many pictures. Well, that was until Peter sat on the camera and almost broke it. But, it was actually not broken and I really can't understand why you didn't take any pictures after that. Pictures are a very vital part of everyone's family. I'm going to bring the camera and take one now as you waking up at eight in the morning all by yourself is truly a miracle and I want to capture this wonderful moment," she finally finished with her hands clasped together in excitement and her eyes lighted up.

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