Kim's POV 2 - Almost Ferpect

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Dedicating this chapter to My_Little_Secret_ aka Saloni for adding Keith in her book 'Wattpad's Hotties'. :) Thank you! Do check out her books. She is awesome!

You all should know that the spelling mistake of writing 'Perfect' as 'Ferpect' in completely intentional. :D This is to tell you guys that this chapter is Kim's pov of the chapter 'An Unknown Fear' in which Keith gets drunk and events that take place after it. The events that were not shown in Keith's pov. DO READ THE ENTIRE CHAPTER. :)

Get ready to go through an emotional roller coaster! <3




"The feeling of being so close to something, but yet in reality you're so far away. Reaching your hand out to grab someone or something, only coming back empty handed. Life is very selfish when it comes to chances, and choices... so when you get the opportunity to take hold of something, not something temporary.. but of something or someone, that has no plans of leaving... DON'T EVER LET GO."

My tired eyes drifted from the ceiling to the clock on the side table, which showed that it was almost three in the morning now; almost three hours of my continuous staring match with the white ceiling. A low curse escaped my lips at how pathetic I was being tonight.

The image of Keith kissing Hannah had been haunting me since the time I came back from the party with Hailey and Brian. Seriously, how could I be so naïve and fall for a player like Keith? All I got in return was hurt and a very terrible pain in my heart. Still, I knew that I couldn't completely blame him for the pain and sadness I was facing. It was my entire fault. He was never the one to make fake promises to me. He was never the one to say that he liked me or any stuff like that. We were friends; friends who just happened to share a kiss on New Year's Eve.

And, there was that pang in my heart again as I was reminded of the wonderful kiss we had shared just a few hours back. It was obvious that I was not good for him. I mean, if I was then why would he go and kiss Hannah right after kissing me? The only answer that came to my mind was given by none other than the guy I was in love with - Keith Warren.

"If I like you, no other girl would matter to me. It'll be just you."

His words rang in my head and a lonely tear escaped from my eyes when a simple yet true realization dawned upon my mind; the realization that Keith Warren didn't like me more than a friend. 'Why would he even like me?' My mind drifted back to the bakery where Adam and I had our first civilized conversation, thanks to our love for cheesecakes. He had told me that he was grateful for Keith to have asked him to hang out with me as I really was 'one of the boys' as Keith had told him.

That's what I was - one of the boys.

A dreadful and very familiar feeling of being lonely crowded my heart. Was this how a heartbreak felt like? It was pathetic.

A little groan escaped my lips in frustration at myself. I was acting like a case of a pathetic girl who was mourning in self grief, and I hated this. This was not me.

My attention from the very interesting ceiling and my messed up thoughts was diverted by noise of steps on the staircase. Instantly, I got up from the bed and tried to hear who was awake at this hour of the night. My curiosity got the best of me and when I couldn't hear any more noises, I opened the door in an instant.

Suddenly, incredibly heavy weight was over me and I fell down on the floor with somebody above me. My eyes widened in shock when I noticed who it was and to confirm any doubt in my head, I asked, "Keith?"

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