24. Too Many Things

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Dedicating this chapter to KristelleMarieRipdos for being a regular reader & for all your votes & for all your comments that have made me happy! :)




The loud chattering of the crowd and the banging music were starting to make us aware of our surroundings, but that didn't mean that I pulled away from Kim. I kept standing there blocking her path, looking into her eyes and trying to keep my hormones under control. She too was silent, but nothing about this entire situation was awkward. In fact, it was the opposite.

The Sound of some crockery hitting the floor, made both of us look towards the kitchen door, where some drunk guy was now trying to stand properly on his feet. Rolling my eyes at him, I looked back at Kim. She was still looking at the drunken guy.

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

She looked back at me and blinked a few times, biting her bottom lip. So tempting!

She smiled and shook her head and said, "Nothing."

Knowing that she was lying, I tilted my head to the side and gave her my judgmental gaze. Her expressions couldn't be deciphered properly, but I was sure that she was not upset or angry at me for kissing her. She looked quite happy and that made me happier. I knew that we had to talk about whatever had just happened, but there was something I needed to clear up.

"Wait here, okay? I'll be back in five," I told her.

"Okay." She breathed and nodded slightly.

I removed my hands from her waist, reluctantly, I might add, and she removed her hands from my shoulders. Taking a step back from her, I realized how cold I felt without her being close to me, without her in my arms. I wanted to kiss her again, run my hands all over her body, but I told myself to wait. Taking a deep breath, I tried to control my hormones and told her again, "I'll be back."

Without wasting even a single more second, I turned around and went out of the kitchen. I was pretty sure that at this time of night, Adam could be easily found in some bedroom. And if he was fulfilling his 'Winter Mission' which he most probably was, he could be found in Precious's bedroom. I almost ran upstairs to the first floor, ignoring the couples making out in almost every corner or at almost every stair. I ignored the loud moans that could be heard in the corridor from the rooms alongside as I made my way towards Precious's room. A chuckle escaped my lips when I thought about how I'd have been in one of these rooms banging Hannah senseless, if I hadn't had a change of heart towards one particular brunette all of a sudden.

My feet automatically stopped outside Precious's room and without giving a second thought, I barged open the door.

"What the f*ck?" Sure enough, that was my best friend shouting curses at me as I interrupted their session. The girl, who I was sure was Precious, gasped and pulled the covers above her body. "Keith?" That's when he noticed that it was me and that changed his pissed off expression to a mix of pissed off and confused.

I, on the other hand, was way too happy and smiling like a Cheshire cat that I was not at all affected by his little outburst. "I'm not fulfilling my part of Winter Mission." This caught his attention and he looked at me in shock. "I'm going now. You can continue." I waved my hand in dismissing manner and turned back towards the door.

"Wait... wait... wait," Adam called behind me, making me stop at the door. "What?" His voice sounded nearer with each word and I faced him again. I mentally thanked him as he was still wearing his boxers.

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