11. On the Creepy Way

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Dedicating this chapter to sim_xx as she is a very fun person to talk to & she ALWAYS makes me sooo happy with her lovely comments. :) Do check out her story 'The Bradford Exchange', it's really good! :)




"I see the one, because she be that lady! Hey! I feel you creeping; I can see it from my shadow..."

"Drew looks at me; I fake a smile so he won't see..."

"Smack that all on the floor; Smack that, give me some more, smack that till you get sore..."

"I bet she's beautiful..."

"Upfront style ready to attack now..."

"Will you stop it now?" I yelled at Kim as she kept on changing the radio station from the amazing song I wanted to listen - 'Smack that' to the pathetic song she wanted to listen - 'Teardrops on my guitar' which resulted in the creation of a weird medley of a rap and a romantic song.

"No! I want Drew!" she exclaimed emphasizing on 'Drew'. "Have you even looked at him?"

"And I want the convict. Have you even looked at her? Smokin' hot!" This was my smart comeback teamed with a dreamy look.

She ignored me and started singing her song while Akon's voice was blasting through the radio. I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out a very audible sigh. Ignoring Kim and her terrible singing, I decided to focus on the road and drive towards my family's home in Hendersonville, but I couldn't ignore her for long, especially when she yelled, "Drew" in my ears making me flinch automatically.

"Will you let me drive?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Am I holding your hands? Am I being a barrier between your hands and the steering wheel? Or between your feet and the controls near your feet? Am I? Am I? If you can't drive properly in such little pressure, then I'm sorry to say that you have failed my driving test," she finished her rant and clicked her tongue at the end.

"What have I gotten myself into?" I muttered to myself in distress.

"Hell hole." She grinned at me. Rolling my eyes at her, I focused back on the road in front of us. "Why do you live so near?" I shot her a questioning look and she continued, "You could live somewhere far from Nashville, so we had to drive for four to five hours or more. I love travelling. Road trips are my favorite. But, no! You had to live just an hour away." Disappointment laced her words.

One thing that I had learned in just these few days of knowing Kim was, 'ignorance is a bliss'. I went with my learnt lesson, and like many other times, this time too, I ignored her.

"So, who all are in your family?" she asked after a moment. This girl really couldn't keep quiet.

I could hear a hint of nervousness in her voice and decided to tease her. "My mom and dad, and my elder sister, Hailey. My parents... um... they used to hit me," I told her in a meek voice and made a choking sound in between. "They... ahem." I took a deep breath in to add a little effect. Pausing in between, I side glanced at her and saw that she was looking at me with her mouth and eyes wide open. Shock was written all over her face.

"Are you serious?" she asked with concern as she bent a bit towards me.

I let out a sarcastic laugh and said, "No, I love joking about such things." I faced her and said in a tight voice, "Do you think so little of me? Do you think I would lie about such a thing?" Looking at her face, I had the urge to laugh out really loud, so, to keep my façade, I faced the road again and concentrated on the road ahead.

And We Meet AgainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon