25. An Unknown Fear

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Dedicating this chapter to Goldenshadows for being a regular supporter. :) Thank you! :)

Continuing with dedications. Don't think that your comments go unnoticed by me. :)

Thanks to Wattioners for the banner on the side. I LOVE it. :)




By the time I reached home, I was pretty sure that everyone else was already home. Hailey, Brian and Kim were, I knew that. Mom and Dad must have come back from the dinner they went to, I assumed.

'No sh*t, Sherlock.' I snorted at myself. Of course they were back. It was freaking three in the morning. They were out for a dinner, not dinfast.

I smiled as I thought this and inserted the key in the door lock after a lot of struggle, I might add. Like a thief on mission, I quietly entered the house and shut the door behind me, locking it. "Good boy." I patted the door for not making any noise and chuckled. I was drunk, but hell, no amount of alcohol was enough to make me sway or make me lose my focus. And, my focus tonight was to talk to Kim. That's why I sprinted upstairs trying not to stumble on the way and when I didn't stumble, I bent down and patted my shoes. "Good job. I'll buy more of your family." I stood up straight and started walking. I stopped right in front of her door.

I wanted to talk to her so bad. I wanted to finish what we started three hours back. I sighed heavily and pressed my forehead against the door. I let my body relax and whispered, "Kim."

After merely five seconds, I felt myself falling forward.


That's what it was. I was ready to die, but there was just a single regret. I really wanted to talk to Kim before I was taken to heaven, or hell for that matter. Not only talk, I wanted to do many more things. My entire life flashed in front of my eyes in a split second. And, in the other split second, I snorted at how girly I was sounding to myself. It sure must have transferred to me through Hannah's sloppy kiss.

"Keith?" I heard a very familiar girl's sound from under me and I realized that the fall, I, had prepared for actually never hit me. I had fallen on somebody.

I looked down and found a pair of very confused brown eyes looking back at me. Light laughter erupted from my mouth and she scrunched up her nose. "You're an angel here?" I asked in an over cheerful and over-excited manner. I was so happy to see her here. "It's good that you are here with me... with me. I was thinking I would get bored... bored in heaven," I slurred and buried my head between her shoulder and her hair. Her hair smelled really nice. I pushed myself slightly up so I could look at her again and asked, "Or is it hell?" Confusion rose up in my head and I looked around the place. I laughed again and told her, "This is hell, Kim. This place looks like my parents' home." With that, I again buried my head in her hair and smelled the strawberries.

I felt her shake her head and she said, "Firstly, I'm no angel." I nodded my head in agreement, but then I understood what she had said and shook my head. She chuckled and continued, "Secondly, none of us is dead and this place doesn't look like your parents' home. It is your parents' home."

Slight understanding dawned upon me even in my drunken state and I asked, "You mean I'm not dead?"

"Duh," was her reply.

"Wow," I mumbled, smelling her. "God sent me back from the doors of heaven to be with you." I heard her chuckle and I asked, "Thirdly?"

I heard her take in a deep breath and she answered with lightly gritted teeth, "You're freaking heavy and you need to move else I'll be paralyzed." With that, she pushed me from above her so that I was lying next to her and I chuckled. She got up instantly and stood at the spot where she was lying just seconds ago.

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