6 Years Later/Daddy's Girl

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Robinette was in the kitchen preparing lunch for Angelica when the doorbell rang. She knew it was Gabriel because she had called Robinette earlier and told her she would be coming over. Gabriel came by once a month like clockwork. Over the years they had become the best of friends.

Shortly, after Angelica's birth Gabriel had insisted Robinette move in with her. Elizabeth's one bedroom apartment had become cramped with the addition of Angelica. Robinette had been hesitant, but Elizabeth had encouraged it since she was going off to graduate school in Mexico.

She was happy that Robinette had someone to support her in her absence. Since Robinette's parents had disowned her, she barely had enough money to support herself and Angelica. Gabriel had saw to it that she was financially secure. She had even made it so Robinette was able to go back to school and get her degree in business.

Robinette couldn't have asked for a better friend. As Robinette opened the door, she could hear Angelica running down the stairs. Robinette opened the door and waved Gabriel in dramatically.

"Where's my angel?" asked Gabriel as she hugged Robinette.

"Auntie," squealed Angelica. She ran at full speed down the steps. Gabriel caught her just as Angelica flung herself off of the last step and into her arms.

Gabriel hugged her tightly and put her down. "Have you gotten bigger since I saw you last?"

"Yup, I'm halfway to being a grownup."

"I don't think six counts as half way," laughed Gabriel.

"It's time for lunch kiddo," said Robinette smiling at them. Gabriel and Robinette, followed Angelica into the dining room.

"Auntie, I love my dance class. I've made so many friends!" Angelica exclaimed as she climbed into a chair at the table. "Everyone likes me. Right mom?"

"Of course they do honey, why wouldn't they?" Robinette gave Gabriel a knowing look. It was more than just people "liking" her. Ever since Angelica was a baby, people had been weirdly attracted to her. Everywhere she went people would tell Robinette how beautiful Angelica was and just stare at her as if they were in a trance.

She couldn't count how many cards she had received from agents that wanted to represent her in modeling, or put her in commercials. People would follow them around when they were in public. Robinette always felt like someone was watching them because people always were.

It had become too much for her when someone had tried to abduct Angelica off of the playground. Luckily, something had spooked the person and he put Angelica down and ran away screaming. After that Robinette moved to a small town about an hour away from the city. She became overly protective of Angelica and was afraid of letting her out of her sight.

Once Angelica was of school age, Gabriel had suggested homeschooling. Robinette had thought that was perfect. Homeschooling had been going well for Angelica so far, but recently Robinette had felt like Angelica needed exposure to other kids her age. Gabriel recommended some sort of extracurricular activity. Taking her advice as usual, Robinette signed Angelica up for ballet class.

"I'm glad you like your dance class, Angelica," said Gabriel. "I knew you would do well there." She looked pointedly at Robinette. Robinette shook her head agreeing half-heartedly. She needed to let Gabriel know what occurred in class today.

As if she read Robinette's mind, Gabriel said "Angelica, I need to talk to your mom about some adult stuff, I will be right back okay?"

"Okay," said Angelica smiling with peanut butter caked between her teeth. Gabriel followed Robinette into her office and closed the door. Since Robinette's online business had taken off, her desk was a mess. Gabriel stared at the clutter of papers and chuckled.

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