En Garde

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"How was class?" Nala asked from a bench she was sitting on under an enormous oak tree.

"It was awkward," confessed Angelica as she sat down beside her.

"Why? What happened?"

"It's not a big deal. I'm used to people acting strange around me. They act like I'm this anomaly and it makes me feel like some sort of freak. I don't know why I thought if I went to school things would be different."

"I think the appropriate term is rarity. Yes, you're gorgeous, but there is more to you than just your looks."

"Like?" Angelica asked with raised eyebrows. She was curious to hear what Nala had to say. This was the first time she would hear from someone how she affected them.

"It's probably the way you make people feel. Honestly, I would be content not doing anything at all as long as I could be in your presence. For some reason I feel at ease and I.....trust you." Nala trailed off deep in thought about her confession and new feelings. "That is not like me at all," she murmured looking back at Angelica with a puzzled stare.

"That's not so bad then," Angelica said smiling nervously.

"No, it's not," Nala said returning to her normal self. "You're also kind and caring and don't have a stick up your "you know what" because of your beauty." They both giggled. "I don't know you very well, but I can tell that you're a good person. Just like moths are attracted to light, maybe it's the goodness within you that attracts people." Angelica smiled at her suggestion. She had never thought of herself in that way.

"If you don't believe me let's test my hypothesis." Nala stood up while grinning slyly. "I guarantee you can make the meanest person in the school speak to you."

Angelica followed Nala's gaze. She was staring at Mr. Sleepyhead from English class. His back was to them, so he didn't see them looking at him. She yanked Nala back down on the bench. Nala looked at her in shock.

"Sorry, but not him," said Angelica apologetically.

"Does someone have a crush?" teased Nala.

"No!" said Angelica blushing.

"No worries, I was just joking anyway. I wouldn't have the guts to talk to a boy, and especially not that one."

"Who is he?" Angelica asked nonchalantly.

"That's Roman Pawolski. His parents were the founders of Blue Ridge. Right before he started here, they and his twin brother were killed in a car crash. Now he lives on campus all year round. He doesn't have any other family besides his estranged uncle that he never sees and no homies. The "no homies" can be attributed to him being standoffish, not talking to anyone and solving his problems occasionally with his fists instead of with a therapist. No one bothers him, not even the teachers," finished Nala.

Angelica recalled Professor Griffith overlooking him in class. "That is so sad," Angelica murmured.

So she hadn't been imagining the pain she had seen and felt. Even though Gabriel and Connie weren't her parents, they were the closest thing she had to them and she would be devastated if she lost one of them. She couldn't imagine what he was going through.

"Yes, it is and now we should be heading to our next class. Your next class is physics and so is mine."

"Sweet!" said Angelica as she gathered her things and began to follow Nala. At least she would have someone she knew in class with her this time. They walked further onto the campus on a brick path that winded throughout the entire campus. It reminded Angelica of the yellow brick road from "The Wizard of Oz" only it was red.

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