Guardian Angel

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Michael was watching a movie in the theater room when he felt Angelica's summons. He immediately went to her room. Relief flooded through him when he saw the motionless lump curled under her covers. Then he remembered Nala had spent the night. He drew closer to the bed and Nala's curly afro peeked out at him confirming his fears. He immediately teleported outside. Angelica's car was gone. Where would she go this time of night? Michael released his wings and rose in the air. He tried summoning her, but he couldn't detect her at all. That made him even more nervous.

He had flown a few miles from the house when a big house full of rowdy kids caught his eye. As he swooped lower he spotted Angelica's Audi in the sea of cars in the driveway. He teleported inside the house and Angelica's scent hit him. He followed its trail upstairs to a bedroom. When he entered the room Daniel was on top of Angelica in his t-shirt and boxers.

"I thought that Roofie would never work," Daniel said bending down and kissing Angelica on her lips. She was passed out on the floor with her dress hiked up, so that her underwear were exposed. Daniel began yanking on Angelica's underwear. Michael let out a roar as he flew over to Daniel, grabbed him by a fistful of hair and threw him across the room into a wall. Michael threw the hair he had ripped out of Daniel's head to the ground in disgust. He was about to punch Daniel's face in when he realized he was out like a light.

Michael grabbed Angelica's purse and shoes. He pulled down her dress and lifted her up in his arms gently. He flew out of the nearest window and took her home. He didn't want Nala to see her like this, so he put her in his bedroom.

He returned back to Daniel's house to retrieve her car. Michael hated this part the most. It took him forever to get the hang of which pedal was the gas and the brake. Also he didn't want to bring attention to a car being driven by an invisible force. Once he did figure it out after what seemed like forever, he made it back to the house without anyone noticing.

Angelica was still passed out when he got back. He snuck into her bedroom again and got a pair of her favorite sweats and t-shirt. He quickly changed Angelica clothes without her waking up once. Usually he would have been hesitant about doing that, but right now he was her guardian angel and attraction didn't matter. He hoped she didn't mind. She would probably be more embarrassed in what he had found her in.

Michael looked at her as she slept. What was she doing at that party? She hadn't wanted to go, so what had changed her mind? He was glad he was able to get to her before anything further happened. Just the thought of Daniel touching her made him want to return to his house and beat the crap out of him. Michael vowed that Daniel would pay for what he had done. He sat in the chair across from his bed and watched Angelica for the rest of the night.

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When Angelica awoke it was dawn. The room she was in was unfamiliar to her. The last thing she remembered was Daniel on top of her. She sat up in a hurry and was relieved when she saw Michael sitting in a chair across from her.

"What happened?" she asked scared to hear what he had to say.

"You summoned me," said Michael quietly.

"Summoned you?"

"It's a form of communication between supernaturals that are linked in some way. For example, Connie can summon Adaira and angels can summon each other."

"Do you know what happened?" she asked looking down at her lap.

"If you mean if Daniel raped you, no, he didn't. He drugged you and you passed out. Before he could do anything....I intervened." Angelica let out a deep breath and before she knew it the tears began. Michael was instantly at her side hugging her.

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