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When Angelica opened her eyes she didn't expect to have tears in them. "That was beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time," she laughed. She released his hand and wiped her eyes.

"I didn't mean to upset you," said Michael frowning.

"I'm glad you showed me that. Thank you. I heard my mother's voice and that in itself was amazing." She found it peculiar that her mother's voice was not only nice to hear, but also strangely familiar. She also felt a bit proud that her father had avenged her. Maybe he wasn't as bad as everyone thought.

"I'm sorry you had to go through the last ten years invisible to me. The loneliness and unhappiness you experienced must have been unbearable," said Angelica looking at him sympathetically.

Michael looked away and cleared his throat. "It's okay. Angels are not meant to be seen, but felt."

"That doesn't mean that angels don't have feelings. I know you're this strong, almighty being and you're not supposed to care about these sorts of things, but it's okay if you do." Michael didn't say anything.

"Sorry. I'm making things awkward. I'm just glad that we can see each other and be together again."

Michael lifted his head and looked at her with a questioning look in his eyes. He searched her eyes for answers that she hoped he found. She wanted him to see how much she liked him, how happy his presence made her, and how not a day went by that she didn't imagine them being more than a guardian angel and his charge.

"I'm going to do a security sweep of the perimeter of the house. I will check on you later," Michael said quietly. He quickly exited her room.

Angelica exhaled and laid back on her pillow. Even though he had jetted out of there faster than Adaira, she had seen the truth in his eyes. Michael knew she liked him, and if she didn't know better he liked her too.

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Over the next month there was a weird vibe between Angelica and Michael. Michael acted more reserved around her and distant. Angelica had thought after their heart to heart and their memory moment that they would have become closer, but she was wrong. If she didn't catch him staring at her intensely every now and then and especially when Roman was around she would've thought he didn't like her.

She and Roman had started back practicing fencing after school. Angelica enjoyed their time together and she could tell Roman did too. He was starting to come out of his shell and be more comfortable around her. He would crack an occasional joke or tease Angelica about her fencing skill and he even acknowledged Nala when she came to the gym. Angelica was happy that their new friendship was blossoming so nicely.

"What about Star Trek?!" exclaimed Nala to Roman. They were in the school's auditorium waiting for the awards assembly to begin.

"I'm not into those type of shows Nala," explained Roman.

"Maybe if you saw the episodes Mirror Mirror or City of the Edge of Forever you would change your mind. What about Star Wars or Lord of the Rings?"

Roman just shook his head and laughed. "I like shows that are more realistic and relatable."

"He's a lost cause Nala," laughed Angelica.

Nala sighed and shook her head. "It's his loss not mines."

The headmaster John Grayson's voice came over the speakerphone. "Welcome students to our first recognition awards assembly of the year. We would like to highlight those students that are performing well in the first semester of the school year. When your name is called please come forward to receive your award.

Waiting For The Beast (Lucifer's Clock Series, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now