Dream or Nightmare

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Connie waited for Angelica outside of the Administration Building. She couldn't wait to see how Angelica's first day had turned out. She spotted her walking out of the building with another girl followed by Michael. As she looked at Angelica she thought of how fast time had flown by. It seemed like just yesterday she'd been six years old jumping up and down on Connie's bed.

There was no sign of her father's evil ways in her, but that didn't matter because Angelica's birthday was in a couple of weeks. Innocents thought their 16th birthday was just about being able to drive and have sweet sixteen parties, but supernaturals knew the truth. Sixteen was the age when every innocent started the transformation into who they were destined to become. In Angelica's case they didn't know what to expect.

Angelica lit up when she saw Connie. She and the girl ran to the car.

"You got a new car!" exclaimed Angelica looking over the new, shiny, black, Audi A8.

"Yeah, I'm just borrowing it for now," said Connie grinning mischievously.

"Connie, this is my new friend Nala. Nala this is my aunt Connie."

"Nice to meet you," said Nala leaning in the car to shake Connie's hand.

"Oh my goodness how cute are you," said Connie sweetly. Nala blushed and giggled.

"Meet here again tomorrow?" Angelica asked Nala.

"Sure," said Nala smiling. Angelica got into the car and waved at Nala as they pulled off.

"How was it?" Connie asked Angelica while looking at Michael in the back seat.

He was looking out of the car window lost in his thoughts. Angelica told Connie about a boy that liked her and the crazy ex-girlfriend that didn't like her. Connie especially liked the part about Angelica beating the girl in a fencing match. She knew how much Angelica liked fencing and she knew it would give her a sense of familiarity in new surroundings. That's why she had recommended it. Angelica also talked about a boy name Roman, but Connie felt like there was more to the story. Hopefully, Michael would fill her in. Overall, Angelica liked the school and that's what Connie wanted to hear.

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When Michael marched into Gabriel's office, she was sitting behind her desk engrossed in a book titled "Fifty Shades of Grey." She didn't notice him so he tapped on the desk. She almost fell out of the chair.

"Sorry to interrupt your reading."

"Umm no you're fine." Gabriel hurriedly stashed the book in one of her desks drawers. Her face turned red and she didn't stare at Michael when she spoke.

"How did it go?"

"It was dreadful." He looked defeated as he plopped in one of the chairs across from Gabriel.

"Oh my, was it really that bad?"

"Nope," said Connie entering the office and closing the door behind her.

"How do you know? You weren't there," said Michael defensively.

"Well duh, because Angelica told me and it didn't sound that bad, but I'm curious to hear your version of her day," Connie smirked as she took a seat in the chair beside Michael.

Michael ignored her and looked at Gabriel. "The innocents reacted to Angelica in the usual way, but one of them in particular is causing problems for her. He made lewd remarks about her underclothing and what he plans to do to them. On top of that he has a girlfriend that is upset with Angelica, even though Angelica has no interest in him at all. I get the feeling she also has plans for Angelica that differs from the boy's," said Michael getting angrier by the minute. "This boy is a problem and I think we need to deal with him immediately. I don't like him or trust him."

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