Lucifer's Return

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Lucifer watched Robinette from across the street as she sat in her car looking confused. She was trying to figure out why she was at the supermarket. He laughed to himself. These worthless creatures "he" had created were so easy to manipulate. Lucifer popped in her backseat and enjoyed her scream immensely when she saw him in her rear-view mirror. He liked it even more when she quickly went from being scared to angry. She reached over the back seat and smacked him across his face.

"Wow, is that how you greet the love of your life?" he asked laughing.

Robinette glared at him. "What do you want Luciano?"

"I want you baby," he said reaching for her face.

She swatted his hand out of the way. "No, you don't. I know that you aren't....human. You're some kind of....supernatural being that knocked me up. Now you think you can just waltz back in my life. Nope, not gonna happen. I'm not that young, silly girl you met six years ago. Get out of my car."

He laughed again as if she was giving the best comedy show on earth. Robinette stared at him like he was crazy.

"I don't see what is so funny. I don't want anything to do with you. Stay away from me and Angelica." At the mention of Angelica's name he stopped laughing.

"Do you think it will be that easy Rob-i-nette? You belong to me. What do you think you are doing here? You don't even know why you are here." He chuckled as Robinette realized he was telling the truth. She looked like a confused, terrified animal backed into a corner.

"Do you want me to tell you why you are here?" he said as if he was talking to a small child. Robinette looked back at him unresponsive, her eyes full of the fear that he loved to see in innocents.

"I summoned you here. You see when you pledged your undying love to me, you gave me your soul and your free-will which means, "You. Are. Mine." he said tapping her head, her nose and then her chest. "Whatever I order you to do, you must obey, no questions asked," he said jovially. "Now as much as I like the slapping and yelling, I can't tolerate that. Our next meeting, I will expect you to be on your best behavior because I would really hate to have to show you my ugly side." He quickly grabbed her throat and squeezed it.

"Who are you?" gasped Robinette as tears rolled down her face.

"You innocents call me many names. Satan, Lucifer, the devil, the morning star, the prince of darkness, the beast, but I prefer Luciano. The ladies love it," he whispered in her ear. He then licked each side of her face. "Mmmmmm, I love the taste of innocent's tears."

He released her laughing. "You know I really did mean it when I told you I had been searching for you my whole life and once I found you I would never let you go." He winked and vanished.

Robinette drove home with her mind in a fog. She entered the house and went straight to her bedroom, closing the door behind her and locking it. She threw herself across her bed and let her tears flow freely. All of this time she had thought God had chosen her as a vessel to bring someone special into the world, but instead she had been deceived and used to conceive something else. She knew Angelica was good and a sweet child, but she wouldn't be a child forever. Who or what would she become?

Robinette didn't like the thoughts that were trying to surface in her mind. She tried to shake them off. She went into her master bathroom and washed her face. When she stared at herself in the mirror all she saw was the same, weak, little girl she had been six years ago. She had allowed him to manipulate her not once, but twice and he would continue to if she let him. Angelica would never be safe as long as he could use her as his puppet.

Robinette began punching the mirror until it shattered into the sink. Her vision blurred with tears as she shakily picked up a shard of glass and cut horizontally down her left wrist. Crying out from the pain, she did the same to the right one. Dropping the bloody piece of glass into the sink, she stumbled to her bed. As she lay there, waiting for the life to seep out of her body she was content knowing that Angelica would now be safe. Gabriel would take good care of her. She closed her eyes and remembered the first time she had laid eyes on Angelica.

Waiting For The Beast (Lucifer's Clock Series, Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ