First Date

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"I think we should celebrate," Angelica said as she pulled into the driveway.

"I agree," smiled Michael.

"Really?! Where should we go?"

"Anywhere you want."

"Hmmm," said Angelica thinking. "What about dinner and a movie?"

"That sounds good. I'm sure Armando can whip up whatever you want and we can find something to watch on that thing called Netflix you love so much.

Angelica laughed. "No, I'm talking about going out to an actual place to eat and see a movie."

"Oh. I guess that would be okay."

"Have you ever been to dinner and a movie before?"

"Uh no." Michael looked embarrassed at his admission.

"Good, neither have I," giggled Angelica.

Michael smiled nervously.

"It'll be fun," Angelica promised. "I'm going to change. It won't take me long."

"Alright," Michael said looking down at himself. He had on his usual fitted white t-shirt and blue jeans.

"You look fine," Angelica said noticing his assessment of himself. She smiled at what she was thinking when she said that. She quickly ducked in the house as if she thought he could read her mind. She didn't waste any time changing into a burgundy colored sweater, a black skater skirt over black leggings and a pair of leather, brown booties to match the new brown leather Michael Kors bag Connie had bought her not too long ago.

Angelica did a once over of herself in the mirror. She decided to wear her hair down and put on some makeup. For a moment she thought about changing her outfit. Was it too much or not enough? She exhaled and shook her head. She was over thinking this, it was just dinner and a movie. Wait, who was she kidding? This was a date and not with just anyone, but with gorgeous, dreamy, angelic, hot as Abyssal, Michael. She couldn't help squealing and jumping in place at the idea.

When she finally made it downstairs, Michael was waiting by the door for her and she almost choked. He had changed clothes. He had on a light grey sweater pulled over a light blue dress shirt with blue jeans and white sneakers. The outfit hugged every muscle of his body and made her blood pressure rise instantly. Did he know they were on a date or was he just trying to send her into cardiac arrest? Angelica was so caught up in his attire that she missed the last step on the staircase. Before she met the floor Michael caught her.

"I got you," he said catching her and holding her tightly to his chest.

"Yes you do," Angelica sighed. Then they just stared at each other again neither knowing what to say or do next.

"And where are you two off to?" Connie's voice interrupted.

Michael immediately let go of Angelica and cleared his throat. "Angelica wanted to celebrate what happened earlier today by going to dinner and a movie."

"You know it's a school night and Gabriel won't approve," Connie said shaking her head.

Angelica groaned. She could not let Gabriel ruin her attempt at her first date. "She doesn't have to know. Pleeeaassee Connie?!"

"Fine, but you will need some money." Connie reached into her pocket and pulled out a wad of cash.

Angelica didn't know what Connie did for a living besides shop, but right then she didn't care. Connie was supporting her dream date come true and that was all that mattered.

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