Hidden truths

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Angelica awoke to an empty bed. She jumped up in a panic. Did Nala leave? Maybe she had decided she wanted to get away from them as soon as possible. Angelica couldn't blame her after all of the crazy stuff she had experienced, but when Angelica came out of the bedroom, she was happy to hear a familiar laugh come from the kitchen.

When Angelica entered the kitchen, Nala was sitting at the island with Connie. They were eating pancakes, bacon and eggs. You wouldn't have known that Nala was attacked by a vampire and almost bled to death, if it wasn't for the bandage on her neck.

"Hey sleepy head," Nala said cheerfully. Angelica responded with a tight hug.

Nala laughed. "Whoa. Somebody's feeling the love this morning."

"I'm sorry Nala," Angelica said looking at her neck. "I never meant for any of this to happen."

"Sheesh, me either," said Nala shrugging. Angelica thought it was peculiar Nala was taking everything so well. She looked over at Connie, who motioned to Angelica to be quiet. "I mean what is the likelihood that I would have a fork go into my neck? I'm, such a klutz."

"A fork?" asked Angelica incredulously.

"I know right?! Freaky! I don't remember it, but Connie filled me in. Thank god it wasn't worse. You know one time I tripped on a roller skate, fell down the stairs, and landed on a pile of Legos. Now that my friend was painful."

Angelica couldn't decide if she was happy or not, that Nala couldn't remember what happened. After much debate over what she was going to tell Nala, she had made up her mind to tell Nala the truth, no matter what. If they were going to continue to be besties, she thought Nala deserved to know the truth. But the decision had been made for her, without anyone consulting her and that pissed her off.

"I'm just happy you're okay."

"I'm sorry about ruining our chance to hang out. Hopefully, we can do it again soon. Just make sure to hide all of the silverware before I come over."

Angelica smiled. "I'll remember that."

"Nala, when you're done I can take you back to campus," Connie said as she got up to put her plate in the sink. "Angelica, can I talk you to for a moment?"

Angelica hugged Nala again, making Nala laugh at Angelica's sudden affection and followed Connie into her bedroom. Angelica had an instant attitude. She stood by the door with her arms crossed, while bouncing the heel of her foot.

"You are disturbed by Nala's memory loss," said Connie taking a seat on her chaise lounge sofa.

"Memory loss is what people with Alzheimer's have. Last time I checked Nala doesn't have Alzheimer's."

Connie hesitated before speaking. "We felt that it would be better if Nala didn't remember anything that occurred. Too much is at risk, including her life. So, I did a memory spell on her."

"Without consulting me? She is my friend. Shouldn't I have had a say so in this?"

"I understand your frustration Angelica, but this was the best decision for her and you. If you think about it you will agree." Angelica knew she was right, but she was still upset that they hadn't given her a choice.

"I get what you're saying. All I'm saying is that you all shouldn't make decisions that will affect my life without considering me or my feelings. I'm not a child anymore."

"Forgive me. You are right. I should have consulted with you first," apologized Connie.

They heard a knock at the door and a second later, Nala's head peeked around the door. "Hey I'm ready to go whenever you are."

Waiting For The Beast (Lucifer's Clock Series, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now