Satan's Spawn

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The next day Angelica sat in Gabriel's office trying to contain her laughter at what she had just heard.

"Let me make sure I got this right. Gabriel and Michael are the famous angels from the bible. Connie is a good witch like Glinda from the Wizard of Oz. None of you know exactly what I am, since my father is Satan and my mother was a human. Wait, I meant an innocent. I could possibly be the Anti-Christ. Oh but wait, you don't know that either because the prophecy says the Anti-Christ is supposedly a male. Vampires, werewolves, fairies, and every other mythical creature I've ever heard of are real. Did I miss anything?" Angelica asked sarcastically.

"And your father is currently looking for you," added Gabriel.

"Which is why I was attacked by the bounty hunter aka Roman's uncle," said Connie.

"And let's not forget that wouldn't have happened had I been there," said Michael shrugging. Connie and Gabriel both gave him dirty looks. Angelica began laughing. She was expecting them to start laughing any minute now, but they didn't. They all just stared at her.

"Okay, now that we got that out of the way, what do you really have to tell me?" asked Angelica wiping tears from her eyes.

"I knew this was too much for her to handle at once," said Gabriel shaking her head.

"Wait, are you guys serious?"

"Angelica, I know this sounds insane, but it's true," said Connie.

"Damn, so I'm not the only crazy one in this house?"

"Explain how I'm able to do this," Connie teleported in and out of the room. Angelica jumped out of her seat and began backing up to the door wide eyed.

"I-I don't know how you did that, but there is an explanation for it. Criss Angel and David Copperfield does stuff like that all the time." She backed into Michael and jumped back the other way.

"Whoa. It's just me," he said throwing up his hands and making his wings flutter at the same time. Angelica's sudden glance in the direction of his wings signaled to him that she had seen the movement.

"You see something?" Michael asked approaching her and letting his wings completely out. It was a good thing Gabriel's office was pretty big, because Michael's wings almost spanned the length of her office. He flapped them purposely making Angelica's hair fly along with papers on Gabriel's desk. There was no way Angelica could deny what she was seeing. She took a seat and put her head in her hands.

"Wake up Angelica." She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. She began counting backwards. "5-4-3-2-1." She looked up and groaned when she saw she was still in the office.

"You are not dreaming Angelica," said Gabriel in an annoyed tone. "This is your life and you will have to come to terms with it. Everything will be disconcerting at first, but you will adjust in due time."

"That is easy for you to say. You aren't the one that was just told you're literally the spawn of Satan!" Angelica's skepticism quickly evolved into anxiety. "Is that why my mom died?"

"No!" They all exclaimed at once.

Angelica felt some relief at that, but not enough. Was this seriously her life right now? "If I'm supposed to be this evil person, why are you trying to save me? You might as well slit my throat and save yourself and everybody else the trouble!"

Gabriel stood up and slammed her hand on the desk silencing Angelica. "Enough. I will say this one time and one time only and after this we will not discuss this again." Angelica gulped at Gabriel's fierce look.

Gabriel continued. "In the supernatural realms you were thought to be a myth, nothing but a dream that your father had been chasing since the beginning of time. Here in Corporis the innocents believed differently due to a seer that gave a forewarning of your arrival. The seer warned them of a son that would be born to Lucifer. The child's birth would signal the beginning of the apocalypse. He would appear to be good and perfect, but actually he would be the epitome of evil. He would rise up as a leader among the innocents, eventually leading many of them to their destruction and eternity in hell. He would be defeated by the son of the Creator and all would live happily ever after."

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