Family Matters

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When Connie woke up she didn't recognize where she was. She was in a beautifully decorated bedroom that was two times the size of her studio. The silk pajamas that she wore and the enormous bed she was in added to her confusion. She slowly climbed out of the bed and walked to a nearby window. Luscious grass and big oak trees stared back at her. The bedroom door opened and Gabriel walked in with a tray of food.

"You are finally up," said Gabriel genuinely happy to see Connie awake.

"What happened?" Connie asked warily. The last thing she remembered was telling them to come in the house and being hit with a pain so sharp she thought her head had split in two.

"After you completed the spell, you fainted. You've been out for a week. I imagine the spell was a bit advanced for you and took its toll. Thankfully your familiar was there to help. She has been by your side ever since." Gabriel sat the tray down on the nightstand and looked over at Adaira, who was now sitting at the foot of the bed.

"Thank you," Connie said to Adaira mentally. She and Adaira were linked telepathically like all witches and their familiars.

"I couldn't just leave you like you did me, now could I?" said Adaira smartly. Connie smiled at Adaira. She knew Adaira wasn't mad at her any longer for leaving, but that didn't mean that she was going to let her forget about it.

Gabriel gave Connie a cup of tea. "Thank you for helping us."

"You are welcome," mumbled Connie as she took a quick sip of the warm liquid.

"Once you finished the spell, we collected Angelica and made sure there was no trace of her in the house."

"Where are we now?" asked Connie looking around the room. "The playboy mansion?"

Gabriel laughed. "It is a mansion, but not Hugh's. It used to be a cathedral. I thought it was perfect for us. We all can have our space and still live comfortably together and most importantly Angelica can be safe."

Connie laughed at the idea of her living with two angels that despised the very thing she was.

"When you say us do you mean me too?" asked Connie as she scratched her head.

"Yes I do," said Gabriel walking to the bedroom door.

"But that was not part of our agreement. We agreed that I would help you protect her. I did the spell like you asked. I just want to get on with my life," Connie said her voice rising a few octaves higher. Gabriel turned around and stared at Connie for a brief second before speaking.

"You're not a hostage here and can leave whenever you get ready to. I felt that you would be a great person to be a part of this child's life. You know what it's like to be different from everyone else and one day she will need someone who can understand that. I apologize if I have derailed your plans to live as an innocent. If you truly wish to live a normal life I promise you that I will not ask any more of you except for these two things."

"What?" asked Connie skeptically.

"First take a look at yourself in the mirror and then go for a walk outside on the property." Gabriel smiled smugly and left the room.

"What the hell does that mean?" asked Connie looking at Adaira. Adaira snickered to herself. Connie walked over to the full size mirror in the corner of the room.

She gasped when she saw her reflection. It was her, but then it wasn't. Her hair had grown longer. It was now to her waist and had turned a white blondish color. Her eyes were an electric blue, and if she looked close enough she thought she could see lightening flashing in them. Her skin glistened all over as if she was wet. Even her body had changed. She was a little bit taller and a lot shapelier.

Waiting For The Beast (Lucifer's Clock Series, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now