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"I'll be right back, the twins should be sleep," Mariah said grabbing the keys to her Kia.

"Man where the fuck you goin?" Skarr barked.

"Pick up Avery, ion kno what's goin on but she called me crying," she explained.

"Bring me back a leaf and some Big Mamas," he said focusing on his game of 2K.

Mariah headed out calling Avery three times. Every time she didn't answer Ry grew worried. It was unlike A. to be crying or even calling her frantic like she was. So Mariah knew something had to be seriously wrong. Hopefully wasn't nobody dead but it wouldn't hurt if Jabari ass had got hit up a lil bit. Avery lived no more than ten minutes away from Mariah. It didn't take Mariah long to get to her friends place. She banged on the door for a few minutes before Avery opened the door. As soon as she saw her friend Mariah became enraged.

"Who the fuck touched you!" Mariah said reached out for her friends face.

All Avery could do was cry. They went inside and RyRy instantly went into mom mode putting ice in a plastic ziplock bag.

"I know he didn't mean it..." Avery said, her voice trailing off.

"Fuck you mean he ain't mean bitch look at you!" She shook her head at her friend. "That nigga blacked yo eye Avery, you got a fucking knot on ur forehead and is that his fucking hand print on your neck?"

"We was arguing and I just flipped out, he pushed me and I blacked out and hit him with the iron," A. explained.

"So you think it's okay for a nigga to black yo fuckin eye?" Mariah started to roll a joint.

"That's not what I'm saying but I am saying I played a role in shit too, I know two wrongs don't make a right but shit happens." Avery was trying to downplay the entire situation so bad and it was starting to piss Mariah off.

"Just come to my house, please take a break from this shit," She pleaded with her friend.

"You act like you and Skarr don't be fighting all the time," Avery rolled her eyes.

"Naw Jabari is a big ass nigga," Riah said shaking her head.

"I don't wanna go no where looking like this, he gone be gone go get the twins and come kick it," A. smiled weakly.

"Ight, you need some sleep too," Mariah sat back smoking.

Mariah finished her joint and headed out. It didn't take long for her to get back home. But when she pulled up she sat in her car thinking about the conversation with her best friend. Mariah and Avery had been friends since Avery moved with her grandma in 5th grade. Never did she expect to see her friend so weak. A tear fell thinking of how things were for her closest friend. But she brushed her feelings aside and headed in to get ,Kacey and Kyla, the twins.

Walking through the door Skarr sat with Kyla in his lap and Kacey climbing off the couch walking towards her. The twins were two years old and definitely terrible most of the time. Kacey waddled towards Mariah reaching out to be picked up. She picked him up carrying him over to the couch.

"I need to smoke," she spat.

"You smell high to me," Skarr said bouncing Kyla on his lap.

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