Dreams and Nightmares

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"Ooo," Avery bit her lip feeling Kilo kiss her inner thigh. He leaned up looking at her. Just as there was a banging at the door. "Really my nigga," Jabari's voice boomed from the hall. How the fuck did he get in here, she thought. "After all the shit I done," Jabari laughed from the hall. But his laugh seemed to be getting louder. She blinked and there he was standing over them with his gun in hand. He laughed tapping it against his temple. Fear and shock overwhelmed Avery, she started to scream but no sound came out.

Knock knock knock knock

A. shot up in confusion, she was sweaty and disoriented. There was another knock on the door. She sat up sliding into her Ugg house slipper and got the door. She opened it to find Kilo standing there with Starbucks, a big grin spread across his face.

"What time is it?" Avery asked.

"Almost 10," he said sizing her up.

She stepped back turning away heading towards the suite bathroom. It was Thursday and Avery had been in the Omni for almost a week. Avery stepped into the bathroom looking in the mirror she wondered if Kilo saw what she saw, if her friends saw. Her lashes were almost natural from her wiping tears, her hair was dry, and when she stepped on the scale she was 16lbs lighter. Sadness was eating Avery alive, but today she put on her face and went to find a apartment.

Avery cut on the shower and gather her outfit. She set a fifteen minute timer and started her playlist. Extra by Future blared through the speaker and she rapped as she washed her hair. While Kilo sat out making calls and drinking his coffee as he waited for Avery. Quickly she showered stepping out to turn off the timer. Avery got her shit together throwing on her cream knit skirt, black sleeveless low knit top, black Ricks, and her shades to hide her unkempt face. She strolled out the bathroom and grabbed her bag swapping her stuff out into her cream hand bag.

"Ay," Kilo grabbed Avery's hand. This was his first time seeing her since the incident. But to him she was so innocent and charming. "When you see a nigga smile, speak, act like you see a nigga," he said rubbing the back of her hand.

A. stepped towards him hugging him. Both of them inhaling each other. She stepped back and smiled, "hello LeJay, we can talk in the car I'm late."

She headed down to the lobby, Lejay close behind her. They chatted as they drove, mostly about what type of place Avery was looking for and what she needed to do to get back her life. Most of the ride was her talking and him listening. He took her to a studio on the west side. They toured it and he listened to her critique the space. Then they headed to another spot downtown. Still Avery was unimpressed. Everything was expensive and wasn't worth it.

"Ight I got a lil spot mama but it's off Edgewood, it's not the ghetto like that but it's got amenities and I think you would fuck wit it for the price," he said as he opened her side door.

They rode in silence for a moment. "Just let me show you it's a 2 2 and cause you a good girl and I see you tryna handle your shit I'll do it for twenty-two hunnid," he said rubbing his thumb against her thigh as he drove.

It didn't take long for them to pull up to the duplex. It bordered a gentrified area and couldn't have been older than a few years. Kilo got out walking around the back of the car letting Avery out. They walked inside and he gave a tour. It was smaller than where she lived but that didn't matter. She had to do something. Plus it would be a decent deal considering how much everything else she looked at cost. Everything was new inside, and it still needed a fridge. But it was nice for a girls first place. Now Avery just had to figure out how she was gonna pay for it.

Avery looked around for a while then found him in the kitchen on the phone. She smiled at him sweetly trying to contain her excitement. Quickly Kilo ended his call smiling back at her.

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