What's Love?

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A 8:45am alarm rung from the iPhone on the nightstand. Avery groaned hitting snooze one more time. Suddenly she felt a presence pull her in closely. She looked over to see Kilo, that woke her up. Blinking frantically Avery was overwhelmed, she jumped up quickly and grabbed her phone heading to the bathroom. Avery called Mariah, she had made up her mind...she was done with Jabari.

"Ry, I need you," Avery said in the phone putting it on speaker as she turned the faucet on.

"Wassup?" Mariah sounded groggy, "what time is it?"

"It's like 9," she said checking her notifications.

Avery sat scrolling through her text and calls first. Jabari called over ten times, but that was expected. She told Mariah how she felt like it was a dead situation as she brushed her teeth. As she was finishing she got a ring cam notification. She clicked it watching the FedEx man drop off a package. The phone grew silent as she watched the other Ringcam notifications.

"Bitch answer my FaceTime," Avery said changing their call type.

Mariah was in her bathroom wiping her face when she answered. Quickly Avery turned on her screen sharing opening the ringapp. They sat in silence watching and listening to the camera outside of Avery's home. Then they watched the footage from the camera adjacent to the front door viewing into the living room. When Mariah looked up all she saw was Avery's face twisted in confusion.

It took no time for Avery go back and check her last text and call times from Ju then back to time stamp the video. She was furious, rage grew in her face. Avery walked out of the bathroom and hurried to find her Balenciaga sneakers.

"I'm finna go over there Avery calm down, just let me go ova there first," Riah's thick accent was shaking.

"I swear I'm gone kill this bitch," Avery spoke between her teeth.

Kilo woke up sitting up he coughed when he heard the words she said. He couldn't believe she even spoke like that. Honestly he was unsure if he had ever heard her curse.

"Ay wassup, what you got going?" He said leaning over laying across the bed wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Na, I'm finna go, you can sleep.. or go.. my bad I gotta go," she said pushing his arm away.

"Ay whatever it is let me go with you, or wait till you calm down to go.." he sat up watching Avery.

"Naaaww I gotta go, I'm gone.. fuck it if you riding keep up," Avery walked into the other room and grabbed her purse then dug through a duffle bag pulling out a small Glock 19.

By the time she walked back he had his shoes on and was waiting by the door. The pair headed out in silence, the air was so thick in the elevator it felt like it was closing in on Avery. As valet brought her car around Kilo asked what was going on. It didn't matter honestly he knew it had to be something big to have her dead silent. Just then Mariah called back.

"A. dawg do not bring the pistol please," Mariah pleaded not even making eye contact.

"Flip the fuckin camera Mariah ion got time for this shit!" Avery barked.

Riah hesitated showing the front of the house where Taliya's car was parked. Avery nodded her head and hung up the phone. Her car pulled up and they sped off. Tears trickled down her face as she drove. She was shaking as she semi explained things to Kilo. A. was completely out of her body to even be telling some random man all of her business. He watched her overwhelmed with emotions. They rode the rest of the way in silence him rubbing her thigh in a comforting manner.

"Ay if you got that shit on you put it on safety baby girl, we ion need extra shit ok," he said reaching for her seatbelt as she tried to rush.

She sat back taking a deep breath and turning on the safety on on her glock. Mariah walked up to her car hoping to calm her friend down a little.

"Look think bout this shit, I got yo back but put that shit up," Mariah says standing in front of the car door blocking her in.

"Yea handle yo business baby but think about yourself first," Kilo said rubbing her arm.

Avery sunk into the seat for a moment then passed over her gun. Mariah sighed and turned crossing the street as Avery trailed behind. She walked up opening the door quietly. It was almost dead quiet but as they walked up the stairs Jabari could be heard on the phone. Avery opened the door to their bedroom only to find him in bed and Taliya head down eating dick. As soon as the door swung open Jabari's eyes widened and he dropped his phone.

"Wassup?" Avery came through on a war path snatching the cover back.

Taliya's head shot up, her eyes filled with fear. She snatched her by her ponytail on the attack. Dragging her to the floor fist were flying. "You serious!?" Avery barked, as Jabari picked her up mid swing. She head butted him kicking. Suddenly he caught a blow to the head by Mariah. He dropped A. turning towards Riah.

"I'll pop you wit yo own shit," Avery bluffed.

Ju froze stepping back, "baby I know you mad but we can talk," he said reaching down for his boxers.

"Talk!?" Avery yelled, "ain talkin bout shit! Fuck you die bitch! Fuck you and her y'all dirty ass bitches!"

Avery stood there looking back and forth between Ju and Liya. Tears weld up in her eyes, she sat the gun down walking away. Mariah was right behind her but stopped hitting Taliya in the face before trotting down the stairs. A. was pacing downstairs silently.

"Come on bro just let this shit go," Mariah pleaded.

But Avery was on a rampage she pushed the tv over knocking it into the coffee table. Glass shattered and there was a loud noise echoing to the outside. Kilo hopped out walking towards the house as Avery and Mariah walked out. Jabari trailed behind in his boxers.

"Who the fuck is this?!" Ju spat instantly growing aggressive. He walked up on towards Avery.

She almost stopped in her tracks but Kilo planted his hand on her back gently pushing her. "Come on," he said softly.

Kilo opened the passenger side door letting Avery in, then walked around getting in the car. He sat as Mariah pulled off and followed her away. Avery silently cried for a minute then told him to take her to the bank. She needed to get her money out and away from Jabari. Just as they pulled up his phone rang.


"Wassup?" Kilo asked.

"You stood me up," Korrin spat.

"Yea," Kilo said leaning back in the seat watching Avery walk towards the building.

"I made sure I cooked and shit..." she said softly.

"My bad, my mama want me to come home next week you tryna go?" He asked.

"Yea, I love you," Korrin smiled through the phone.

"Ight ima call you." He hung up.

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