::14:: Knives Are For Eating With

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“Hey Alli, Mr. Conaway wants to see you. Alli, wake up! Dude you been sleeping under your bed for like, ever.” Draesen poked at Alli with a pointer finger. “At least give me your arm so I can drag you out from under there. How’d you even sleep under there? It’s kind of weird. Alli? Alli! Wake up already! Dude we don’t have time for this!”

Suddenly Jade burst in on the scene with a broom. “We might be able to push her out enough for you to grab her with this!” She looked up into the air and thought out loud. “I was going to bring a bucket of cold water, but she’s under a bed so I didn’t think that would work so well.”

“Oh my, our blonde is growing up! Someone get a camera! We need to get this on film.” Draesen cried out gleefully.

“Oh you shut it.” Jade whacked her playfully with the broom.


Draesen and Jade both glanced over to Alli who lay unconscious under her bed. They didn’t know if she slept talk, but they were defiantly interested in finding out. They scooted closer, and Jade couldn’t resist poking at Alli once with the end of the broom. Draesen nudged her to stop, and then continued to stare at Alli intently.

“Preston….sorry….” Alli began to mumble in her sleep, she brought her hand up to cover her face, and continued in her mumbling. “I don’t know what to do…. So many choices.” She rambled on “I thought I said no aliens at our celebration Pres!”

Jade blinked and looked over. “Which kind do you think that she’s talking about.” She joked light heartedly.  Draesen smirked and hit her with her elbow so she would quiet down.

“No daddy, I don’t have a boyfriend. Boys have cooties.” She giggled sleepily. Just listening to her was amusing, but each time she said something it was more amusing than the last. I mean who has dreams abut aliens and then goes on to talking to their father about boy cooties? Oh right, Alli.

Draesen sighed, “As much as I would like to see what other randomness she talks about next, I’m afraid to say that we do need to wake her up.” She took the broom and began prodding Alli in the stomach, trying to get her to wake up.

“Tyson...” Alli sighed all of a sudden. And even though it was sleep talk, both of the fully conscious girls knew what was going to happen when you start sighing certain boys’ names in your sleep. And honestly, they couldn’t really say that they were surprised. I mean, this was Alli, she is quite predictable…


“I don’t want to be here.” I stated plainly.

“Yes well you can’t always get everything you want.” Tyson’s father sneered at me. “That’s why I got you. So I can get most of what I want.” He leaned back in his chair, looking at me more like an object than a person. I really didn’t like that.

He clapped his hands together, “Well then shall we get this started?” He hit a button on the phone and it began dialing, who I presumed would be my father. The phone rang maybe about three times, before someone answered. Once again Preston answered the phone, and I don’t know who was more surprised, me or Tyson’s father.

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