::33:: Brotherly Love

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When the sun hit my eyes behind my eyelids, my first instinct was to reach my arm up and cover them. But when I tried to move my arm, it was pinned down. So my second instinct of course was to groan, and roll over to the other side away from the window.

And it got darker alright. Especially when my face was pressed again another person's collar bone. A pretty sexy collar bone, I might add. If collar bones can be sexy? Is that possible?

"Alli, you really shouldn't come onto guys right away in the morning. They could do something naughty to you." Tyson's chest vibrated as he talked. I'm not sure if it was because I had just woken up or not, but I didn't remember Tyson's voice being this sexy.

I tilted my head up to look into his teasing green eyes, "Please. Me? Come on to you? You're the one holding me tight." I grinned at him. I felt like I was at home again, well besides the fact my heart was about to beat right out of my chest. I hadn't realized how on edge I had been since I got home until just now. It felt like a giant weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

"So you want me to let go of you?" His question sounded like it had some kind of double meaning, and he began to scoot away from me on the bed. He had a small smirk on his face, probably had something to do with the look on my face.

"No, now come back here. I'm cold now." I frowned as a sudden shiver ran up my back from the loss of the extra body heat.

"Okay, Bossy." Tyson rolled his eyes with a half smile and pulled me back against his body.

"You still listened," I said smugly against his shoulder.

He didn't respond, so we just laid there quietly, enjoying eachother's presence. I was probably enjoying more than he was though. Especially since I finally figured out what is was that I felt about this boy.

I took this moment to tilt my head up to get a good look at Tyson. Last night I had been in hysterics so I hadn't really stopped to really take him in.

His eyes were closed, which caused his eyelashes to fan out on his cheeks, making me slightly jealous when I realized how long they were. His facial expression had relaxed into a rather angelic appearance. His brown hair was a bit longer than when I had last seen him, now coming to about the middle of his ear and to the tops of his eyebrows. He had an adorable case of bed head going on and I giggled a little bit at the sight of it.

"What are you laughing at?" Tyson mumbled, pulling me ever closer to stop me from shaking while I laughed.

"Your hair....is sooooo sexy right now." I said mid-chuckle.

Tyson opened one eye, glanced down at me, then closed it again and smiled, "I wouldn't be talking, Kenan."

I stuck my tongue out at him in response, "Normally guy are supposed to lie and say 'you look beautiful' no matter how crappy a girl looks. Didn't anyone ever teach you the basics of how to make a girl happy?" I joked.

"I guess not. But fortunately I did learn other ways to make a girl happy." Tyson raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"Okay, so you accuse me of coming on to you, and then you turn around and start making those comments. What's going on in that mind of yours? Something dirty?" I laughed pretty loudly, leaning my head back from him slightly.

"I could show you if you want," Tyson said. His eyes locked on mine, and my voice stopped in my throat.

Tyson leaned his face closer to mine, and pulled me ever closer. I was surprised, and my breathing all but stopped. A feeling began building up in my chest that I couldn't quite understand until his lips were mere millimeters from my own. He seemed to be rather cautious  about what he was trying to do, waiting as long as possible to see if I was going to reject him.

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