::17:: Don't Misunderstand Me

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Ok so I know this is pretty selfish of me, but I would be so grateful if you could vote for  my story. <3 Or even a little comment on how you think that I'm doing. Sometimes this story has a mind of it's own, and I even end up dreaming about it (I know it's weird lol) and then I struggle trying to figure out where to go for there.

So a little love is very much appreciated. And don't be afraid to give me your honest opinion. I'm a big girl. I can take it. Because I love comments. Even the shortest one. They make me feel like I'm doing a great job ;)

With love~



The ride to the festival wasn't too bad. I mean, it always could have gone worse. After Ryan's turn it was Jade's. Which left a bit of an awkward tension in Draesen. And me being so sensitive, I felt pretty awkward too. Especially since it seemed that Ryan was flirting with me every subtle chance he got.

It was a bit of a weird experience.

Then eventually it got to Craddoc's turn. We actually had to stop the bus so he could get up there to drive. I mean complete stop. Like we had to wait five minutes after was pulled over before we could even wake him up.

"Wake up Sleepy-head." Abe cooed before hitting the sleeping Craddoc in the head with a pillow (multiple times, may I add). Once Craddoc managed to make his way up to the driver's seat he seemed to be perfectly fine.

I turned to Jade whispering, "I thought you guys were joking about his horrible bus sickness. But now I have no doubt," I quickly touched my head, heart, and both shoulders, "Praise Jesus!"

Draesen gave me a strange look, "How many boyfriends have you actually had? Because that little stunt there really makes me wonder how you stayed single within your years of life. Seriously, what was that?"

"Heh. I grew up with Preston. Trust me, I could have ended up a lot worse," I chuckled, "At least I have an actual sense of humor. My brother has the humor of a lifeguard with a kid who just fake drown."

Ryan made a dramatic gasp, "Not the lifeguard! Oh please tell me it isn't so!"

"Oh that is bad," Draesen scowled, "I don't think I ever want to meet your brother. He sounds aweful. I hate guys without humor. They're so boring."

Abe rubbed his chin, "Well, you're in luck, baby," He wrapped his arm around Draesen, as if he were pulling an actual move on her, "I am one funny guy. Ask me to tell a joke? I have a joke. Want a riddle instead? You got one. you just want funny comments? I'm loaded."

I barely managed to get my hand to my mouth in time before I burst out laughing.

Draesen clutched at her heart with both hands, "Oh Abe," She giggled dramatically, "Why didn't you tell me sooner? I'd totally love to be your girlfriend! You and your silly comments are always welcome."

"Really?" Abe  smiled widely, completely going along with the joke.

How I Met my Kidnap-I Mean Your Fatherحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن