::15:: Secrets and Surprises

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I wish I could say that something amazing happened, or even that something interesting happened. Like maybe that I was about to get hit by one of those flying knives and someone pushed me out of the way, and got hurt in the prossess. Or just that I got hit, not something too aweful, but enough to be worth telling. But no one ended up getting hurt, so I can't tell you that or I'd be lying.

Well I almost did get hit, if you count two feet off the mark almost.

Nothing too exciting happened after that, accept when Craddoc got introuble for his little circus act. That was probably the scariest part. So all in all, it really wasn't too life threatening.

After we all had sat down, Ryan started chattering excitedly about this up coming Fourth of July. "The festival this year is supposed to the best that the city's ever done!" He rambled on in between forkfulls of mashed patatoes.

Abe scoffed as he cut up his steak giving Ryan a sarcastic look. "You say that every year. It hasn't gotten any better from all the other years. In fact," He put his fork down to make a point, "They normally have the same stuf every year."

Trying to be as casual as I could, I tried asking about the festival. "So uh, what do you mean by that? What's normally at the festival?" I avoided looking at everyone by focusing on the biscut that I was trying to cut open to butter.

Jade choked on her food across the table. "You mean that you've never been to the festival? That's crazy! Isn;t your family the one who sponsers the most money?"

My skin prickled with embarressment as I felt everyone staring at me oddly. "Well, yes, but my parents don't normally let me go out in public in case of things like this happen." I gestured around at everyone and they understood what I ment. "That, and for the past maybe ten years we've been having our own party, so most people come to our house instead of going to the festival."

Craddoc leaned back in his chair. "So that's where everyone's been disapearing to, huh? Weird."

I just shrugged. "I guess. Personally I would much rather go to a festival than to a party, even though our parties are a lot like festivals." Pausing, I took a bite out of my biscuit. "But it doesn't feel like a normal festival because it's still at my house. It kind of takes the effect away. Like camping in the backyard."

Looking up just in time, I managed to catch Draesen shooting a look to Jade. Jade casuallyscratched her ear, probably meaning that they were having some kind of sercret conversation.

Jade sighed loudly and yawned. "So Alli, I heard that you don't consume caffine very well.

My finggers tapped againt the table and I shrugged. "I guess not. When I was a little kid I wasn;t allowed to have sugary foods, and now when I do I go ballistic."

"I'd say so." Draesen burst out chuckling. "I though you were going to maul me!"


'So it is July 2nd..' I sighed staring at the calender in my room. Tyson's father must have thought it would be comical for me to be able to count how long that I had been here. It was halarious. Ha. Ha. I had been here for about a month give or take; I was too lazy to actually count it out.

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