::7:: Better Luck Next Time

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Ok fist off I am sooooo sorry about that last chapter. It was so...short, but I had been at my dad's and well I got a burst of inspiration that I would have continued if I hadn't had to go to my mom's. >.> Though I didn't really want to be at my dad's any longer than I have to anyway... Shhhhh. It's a secret I'd prefer he wouldn't know :S And hotmail wouldn't let me copy and paste with haste so I just posted it XD I'm going to try to make up for it though hopefully in this chapter. ^^ 



It was hot. Then it became freezing. It kept changing constantly. I couldn't tell if I was being melted or frozen. And it was dark, so terribly lonely and dark. I had never in all the times I'd been sick ever felt this terrible. Unconsciousness only made me more aware about how much pain I was in. I was like I was having acid poured down my stomach, and I knife being stabbed into my intestines and having it being turned slowly while still being lodged inside.

I might have laid there for a day for what it felt like before I felt the bed give slightly. A cold hand pressed to my forehead and my cheek. It felt nice. Right now I was melting and the coolness of the hand was exactly what I wanted, what I craved for. I pressed farther into the cold feeling trying to absorb as much of it as I could before it disappeared.

More pressure of the bed gave and then it spread out. I became aware of something that was colder than I was stretching the length of the bed. I slowly inched closer to it. It felt so nice. I wanted to curl up and live there throughout the melting and freezing.

I sighed, or I thought I did, "I don't feel so good." The cold stiffened slightly upon hearing my voice. I didn't care it still felt nice. There was a sound. Like a tone of a voice. I couldn't make out exactly what it said, but I knew it was a simple reply. I knew that the sound belonged to someone I knew, but I was too diluted to really put a name to the voice. I could see the face, but not recall the name or remember how I knew them. They were just there.

I half smiled. "Thank you." I mumbled, and then buried my face into the cool surface.

It was awhile before I woke up again. Well actually I probably would have slept longer if I suddenly wasn't lifted into the air. I felt like I was flying for the briefest moment, then I remembered that what goes up, must come back down. My eyes opened franticly along with the increase in my heart beat.

I was being carried down the hall - not fast, but enough to have a bounce around a bit. I looked down at the hands that were holding me. They were a pretty tan color compared to my extremely pale skin. That was unusual. I normally had tanner skin than these hands. How sick was I?

My eyes slowly followed the arms up, seeing to where they would lead. They were long arms I noted, long and very strong. Or maybe I was extremely light. It didn't matter either way. They were lean, and covered with a white shirt. Strange I wouldn't have worn a white long sleeve shirt around someone who might puke. It might get a stain.

His shoulders where farther up, and it kind of hurt to move my head or my eyes, but I looked anyway. They were broad shoulders, strong looking ones. I would have gotten a better look of the shoulders, just because it was taking forever for my eyes to move, but the face caught my eyes and I got the power to look faster. The hair was messed up and his eyebrows were creased with worry. He had a scowl on his face, and I have to say if he would have been smiling he would have looked super sexy.

Oh man. I am REALLY sick.

I smiled lazily with a very tired expression. "Aw, Ry-ry why so serious?"

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