::27:: Trust Issues

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*Warning everyone. This is just sort of a filler chapter. It's not very long, and it's not like anything AMAZING happens. just thought I should warn you so I don't get murdered ^.^; *


"Dad, you're being ridiculous." I stated looking between him and my apparent new body guard.

Don't get me wrong, the guys was twenty and sexy on a scale of one to ten as Channing, with light blonde hair and deep green eyes, but there was no way in heaven or hell that I would let my dad give me a permanent babysitter. I just wanted to take Luna to the park for fresh air. That way she could get to know the neighborhood a little bit in case she ever got lost.

"No, Princess, I'm being safe. Last time you went to the park you were kidnapped." My father growled at me seriously. The bodyguard just stood there trying not to look awkward while my dad and I had a total showdown. I since I take after my dad in stubbornness I couldn't even predict who was going to back down first.

"Who's fault was that, Dad? Because it sure as hell wasn't mine!" My temper flared uncontrollably. Now I was just aiming to get under his skin. He had been pissing me off since I got home. I no longer owned a phone, an iPod, or a laptop. Basically any device someone could try to contact me by was confiscated and locked away. I felt like I had been kidnapped again, except I enjoyed it more the first time.

"You should be quiet about matters that you don't understand!" My dad yelled back at me. It startled me a little bit because he's never yelled at me like that before.

I rolled my eyes, trying to fight back the tears I felt pricking at my eyes. "Whatever. I'm leaving." I spun around and walked out the door towards the parlor for Luna's leash. I then cupped my hands around my mouth and howled for Luna. She howled back and I could hear her paws clicking against the floor as she bounded towards me with excitement.

She looked much better now that she had been properly bather and combed. I had even gotten her a simple cloth collar that held her vaccinations as they jingled as she walked. Of course, she didn't like it very much, but she was getting used to it. Her golden eyes peered up at me excited to find out what I was about to do with her.

"You know, most teenagers have Golden Labradors as pets, not wolf pups."

I jumped in the air, surprised. Luna's ears flattened against her head bareing her teeth, trying to look as theatening as possible, which just made her look more adorable. I looked over my shoulder before clipping the leash onto Luna's collar.

"Well, incase you haven't noticed, I'm not most teenagers." I muttered dryly to my newly hired 'babysitter'. I just wanted to say something that would make him go away. I didn't need him; I could take care of myself.

"Yeah, I noticed that." He chuckled. And, boy, was his laugh charming. It took almost all my strength not to smile and to open the door, leaving him behind. I wouldn't cave. Maybe if I kept acting like this he'd eventually grow sick of it, and quit. That's the next best thing I could hope for at this point.

Luna tugged excitedly on the leash, trying to get at everything she could stick her nose into. She had a bit more strengh than I thought she would have for her size, and began yanking my arm.  I tried to keep her under control without completely loosing my cool. But it wasn't working so well.

"Don't you have something better to do than babysit a teenager?" I asked beginning to grow annoyed.

"Not anything that pays as well," He smiled at me and offered to take Luna's leash, but gave up when I scowled at him, "Besides it's just because he wants to make sure your safe. I'm sure he feels guilty for what happened."

"What would you know? You don't know anything! No one listens to what I have to say anymore," I stopped in my tracks and threw my hands in the air, "I can't go see my mom. I can't talk to my friends. I can't even check my email. So please, tell me exactly what you think is going on. Try and convince me that what my father is doing is only normal."

"I can't convince you something that you don't want to hear. It's not like you'd believe me anyway." He shrugged without even trying to defend himself.

"Whatever." I huffed, and went back to being pulled down the street by the overly energetic Luna.

I could still hear the footsteps behind me, so I knew that my bad attitude wasn't going to stop him from getting paid.

Who needed a normal life anyway? Who wanted to have a normal life with normal friends who like your normal parents, with whom you did normal things with? That was overrated.

But I still wish more than anything that I still had it.

How I Met my Kidnap-I Mean Your FatherWhere stories live. Discover now