::20:: A Mental Hike

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"I don't know if I'm comfortable with those perverts sleeping in the same room as us," Abe wined, "They might try to take advantage of us while we sleep! Or even worse; while we're awake."

"We're the perverts?" Jade frowned, "Ok well, maybe, but you guys are worse. You're like five times stronger than me. And maybe ten times stronger than Alli."

I scowled and smacked Jade on her arm, "Don't go talking about my lack of physical abilities. I might not have much in the strength department, but I can out run all of you. We already learned that." My mind immediately flashed back to when they had first tried kidnapping me. I had given them the toughest time I could manage.

Tyson was out in the bus unpacking the food and such with Draesen and Craddoc. The rest of us were in charge of getting the beds ready and the layer of dust cleaned up.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Yeah, don't we know it. Abe, don't lie to yourself. If one of the girls did try to take advantage of you, you'd let them. If anyone's a pervert here, it's you." He lifted a blanket and shook it out before replacing it on one of the cots.

The cabin was decently sized, alright. There was a kitchen, and a big oak table in the middle of the living room to eat on. The bathroom somehow had running water, which I found amazing. The only down side was that there were only two rooms, and no one wanted to sleep on the couch if there was still open beds.

The worst part though, was that the beds were split up completely unequal between the two rooms. One room had two single beds and a double bed. The other room only had a double bed. It was pretty much designed for parents with lots of kids. So that all the kids could sleep in one room, while the parents slept/had sex in theirs. That's just my idea though.

 We hadn't completely figured out who was sleeping where yet, but based on what happened on the bus before we got here, I'd say that Tyson and I weren't going to be sleeping in the same room together. Not that I'm disappointed, because I'm not. I couldn't really care less. That was just my guess.

Jade tapped her foot impatiantly, "When do we get to go on that hike? This whole set-up thing is taking forever. I want to go and have some real fun," She narrowed her eyes at Abe, who had made a face, "And I don't mean the perverted kind, you freak."

I chuckled. I thought it was funnier when she actually liked him and said it, because that means that you know that she really means it.

"Well," Ryan blinked and look a quick look around at the cabin. We had successfully finished our part of setting up, "We're done, so we could go see how everyone else is doing. I'm sure, though, that even if they're not done they won't mind taking a hike to the lake."

"What are we waiting for then? I've had this swimsuit on under my clothes since before we stopped the bus. I want to actually get to use it," I said and began pulling and Jade's arm. "Come on. Come on. I wanna swim!"

Abe raised an eyebrow, "You know Alli? I never noticed it really until now, but you act like a five year old when you want something. Not the bratty kind, though. More like the cute ones who some how become famous of websites like on youtube or something," Jade and Ryan both turned to give Abe a funny look, "What? You can't say that it's not true." He crossed his arms over his chest as if he were making a point, but that only made him look like the five year old.

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