::21:: Cliff Jumper

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Oh my gosh everyone! This is Chapter 21! I never actually thought that I would get here! I am so happy :D I was back on Quizilla and I realized that when I started writing this, I never really thought about how many chapters this would end up being...

Actually I still don't know XD

I just think that when the end comes...it comes. I can't force myself to end on like chapter 50 or something, because honestly this story comes out of nowhere. It truely has a mind of its own.

But I don't think you guys will have to worry about that for a while lol

I'm having too much fun with this as is ;3


*~Tyson's P.O.V~*

When we arrived at the lake, All three of the girls were already soaking wet. Jade was chasing Alli and Drae around with some kind of dead animal on the end of a stick. Jade seemed to be finding it incredibly amusing, but the other girls weren't as appreciative.

Craddoc grinned widely, grabbed Alli, and held her in place as Jade wiggled  the stick closer to her face. Alli gave a squeal, and wriggled trying to get free. I almost intervened, but she was laughing, so I figured that she was fine.

Suddenly Draesen came out of no where and landed on Craddoc, tackling him to the ground. From the angle that she had come at him, I would guess that she had just come out of the tree. Her plan sort of worked. Craddoc let go of Alli, but Draesen accidentally made Alli fall down too, so then he just grabbed both of them.

"You can never defeat me! Do you give up?" Craddoc laughed evilly.

"Nevahhhh!" Alli yelled before managing to twist out of his grip.

"Those guys," Ryan chuckled, "are such a bunch of kids. It's quite amusing to watch."

Abe raised an eyebrow, "Um...Ryan... went you the one who suggested that we-"

Ryan cut him off, "That's not the same thing. That was a prank that I wanted to pull. This is just chasing people around with some kind of dead fish on the end of a stick. That's not a prank at all!" He flailed his arms into the air to make a gesture of hopelessness.

I rolled my eyes, and walked over to Jade, snatching away the stick, "I think that we're done with this. What are you guys five? We came to swim in the lake, not to torture each other with a dead animal corpse." I chucked the stick some where randomly into the woods.

"Aw, Tyson, you're no fun!" Alli crossed her arms and pouted along with Jade and Craddoc.

I looked at her disbelievingly, "Really? I just stopped them form....really?" I threw my hands up into the air, and walked away to the cliff.

Sometimes that girl just confuses me. I think that I'll be doing something that she would appreciate, but then she just ends up getting disappointed. It's not even girls in general. I'm prety sure that it's just her. Any other girl wouldn't like being chased around by a dead corpse of an animal. But for er, as long as it's someone she likes, she could care less.

How I Met my Kidnap-I Mean Your FatherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora