::23:: Lost

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Lol. I just realized that the name of this chapter is like that one show....Lost...

Though I've never seen it, and based off of what other people say about it I have no intention of watching it and getting angry about it like Dane Cook does, I just thought that it was kind of funny..... so I pointed it out.... yeah...

Comment and vote guys!

I would be ever so grateful to everyone who does!

....Not that I'm not grateful to those who don't....because I am....

Thanks for everything everyone! I honestly thought that I wouldn't get past chapter 10 and look at how many there are now! 23~! I just personally think that it's so amazing! And it's because you guys didn't let me quit and kept encouraging me!

I love you guys thanks so much!

Now.....for the chapter


(EDIT: I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO GET THAT STUPID PICTURE THING TO WORK! >.<'' But I drew a picture for this chapter. Check it out. Check it out. Check it out at : http://moonehrules.deviantart.com/#/d4fap5x

It's cute I promise!)


I coughed violently, and a bit of water dribbled out of my mouth. My eyes opened hesitantly, but everything was a bit fuzzy, and I couldn't make out what I was looking at. There was a dark fuzzy area hovering over me, but I couldn't quite make out what it was.

"-li! Alli! Alexandre! Wake up now!" A voice called to me a bit frantically. I wheeze and coughed some more water up from the back of my throat trying to tell them that I was fine.

"Thank God!" My eyes focused onto Tyson's form as he leaned backwards, sighed, and ran his fingers through his hair with relief. "You're an idiot. Truly an idiot. Who falls off of a cliff when they're trying not to get thrown off of that very same cliff?"

"Well who asked the cliff to come up behind me in the first place? Not me, I can tell you that for sure." I propped myself up with my elbows, and offered some kind of weak smile.

Tyson was crouched on the balls of his feet with his elbows rested on his knees. I couldn't see his face because it was tilted straight down. It looked kind of like a posture of guilt, of relief, and of balance. I wished I could sit like that as easily as it seemed that he was.

I looked around at our surroundings, "So where are we anyway?"

"That is a great question," Tyson sighed and shook out his hair. He was still pretty wet from -I'm guessing- jumping in after me once he realized that I had fallen off of the wrong part of the cliff. "Although I don't really have an answer to that."

My eyes widened at the realization at what he had just said, "You mean that we're lost? Down the river without a paddle? No bug spray to fend off the hungry bloodsucking mosquitoes? No clothes to sleep in to stay warm?" I could believe what was happening, or what had happened. And to top it all off I knew that it was all my fault that we had gotten stuck in this situation. The icing to the cake in my sad existence.

"Yeah, but I'm sure that those idiots are freaking out right now and called the police or forest rangers by now. We should be rescued soon." He said it with such confidence that it was almost impossible to have even the slightest doubt. Or maybe that was just what I wanted to think.

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