Whats the Officer Problem?

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          Elijah sat in his living room at the tv, flipping through channels, dreading the trip to home depot tomorrow, and thinking of noahs statement from earlier. He should give him a call and tell him thats what he wanted, but he began to feel to stressed about who he'd turn in in place of jermaine. Hunter could die and hate him knowing he could have stopped it, or hunter would hate him after turning him into the police.
         He thought it would be a better idea to start a relationship with noah once ryan was off his back. Just as he was thinking, his phone started ringing. It was hunter. It was already 11:30 at night, what could he need? He picked up the phone. "Ggnngggg hey eliiiiii," hunter said from the other end. His words were slurred and he didnt sound right. "Um, hey hunter, are you okay?" He asked. "Mmmmm... i need... i needd uhhhhh..." hunter slurred out. "Have you been drinking?" "Ggbbbb yeahhh" bunter replied. "Did anyone take you? Did you go by yourself?" "Mmmy selff"
          Elijah didnt want to drive at this time, but he knew hunter was too drunk to drive. "Okay hunter, im coming to get you. Stay there."
        Elijah got in his car. He turned on the radio and heard a sad song about heartbreak, he thought of oven. She was definitely hurting. She loved him and he stomped on her heart and gave his love to someone else. He never considered how he felt. And then he began thinking, he needed a womans touch and comfort. He didnt feel the need to have it befoe because he had the oven, but now he realize how truly starved of a woman in his life he was. He was bisexual, but he never once considered it meant he needed both at the same time. And then, his phone rang again. This time it was Noah.

           "Hey elijaahhh... whats up," he said.
"Im on my way to pick up my friend from a bar, whyd you call?" eli asked. "Um, i dont wanna be annoying but.. you never answered me earlier...do you want us?" Noah asked him. "Of course i do noah, i feel the same way you do its just... theres something going on in my life right now and i need some time. I promise ill be with you i just cant focus on us right now, okay?"
    "... okay," and noah hung up the phone. Elijah put his phone back down and sighed, then made a right and pulled into the bar parking lot. He walked in and looked around for hunter for a moment. The music was blarring, which was odd for the time, but then he saw hunter. Slumped over with his head down and an empty glass inbetween his fingers. Elijah walked over to his seat and shook his back. "Uhuugggghuhhh?"
"Wake up hunter, its time to go."
"When did you come here, its only like midnight, how are you this drunk?"
"Because of you."
      It was the first sentence that seemed to flow out of his mouth properly that night.
"Because of me?"
"I cant stop... stop thinking. Thinking... you..."
       Hunter lifted himself up to look at elijah.
"Cant... stop thinking of you"
        He got closer to eli.
"What do you mean??"
"Why do you pick him, everyone else, when...."
"I dont understand..."
"Im right here"
       Elijah looked around, still confused on what hunter was trying to say.
"Spit it out hunter."
       Hunter grabbed elijahs hands and pulled him close.
"I love you elijah"
    That moment, hunter pulled in elijahs face and kissed him, his mouth tasting like alcohol. Hunters eyes shut, and elijah opened his and quickly pushed him away.
    Hunter just looked at him, realizing his mistake.
But before elijah could say another word to him, he heard sirens outside. He peeped out the window and saw them all around his car.  "Holy shit!"

     Elijah ran to his car where police were searching it, and officer molly approached him. "Hands behind your back. NOW!"
      Elijah had so much going on in his head, he was so confused, but he complied. Molly went behind him and grabbed his wrists, and walked him to the car. She handcuffed him and started to ask him questions.
"You know we found what was in your car, right buddy?"
"Found what!"
"Dont play dumb!"
      She grabbed the back of his head and pushed him down on the car. Elijah started thinking back to when he was wanting a womans touch. He liked this, despite how scary it was.
"We found heroin, opioids, and all kinds of shit in here. You wanna tell me where you got all of this?"
       Elijah was still confused.
"I think you have the wrong person!"
"We know this is your car."
      Molly traced her hands against elijahs face and moved the hair out of his face so he was looking at her. She bent down to his level on the car. "Listen here, pretty boy. Im gonna take you in the back of my car, and we'll have a little talk back at the station. Be a good boy and dont fight back."
          Elijah WAS a good boy, he wouldnt want to get in any more trouble with the cops. He obeyed her and she walked him to the back of her car. She opened the door and pushed him in. She reached over and put in his seatbelt, getting too close to elijah.
           Elijah sat in the back of the car, not knowing how he was gonna tell noah he was in jail, or that part of him wished noah was a girl right now.

Toasty Love (Elijah x GE oven) Where stories live. Discover now