23. A murderer

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"So? What's the progress? Did they get her yet?" A man sitting on his office desk asks as he sets his empty glass down with a clink sound.

"No Mr. Han. but they are certainly about to. We just heard a gunshot and sound of what seemed like a vase falling and breaking." the person on the other end of the call responds

"don't let your guard down. it can be our opponent using the guns." Mr. Han hangs up the call without waiting for any response.

"Now... Now...", he mischievously smiles to himself, "once I finally get her, i will technically have the hold of you Kim Seung Han." he clicks his fingers on the desk.

"Sir, may I come in?" a soft knock on his office door is followed by this very sweet voice.

"Oh yes, come in Mrs. Lim." Han says in a soft voice, now, smiling pleasantly.

"Sir, I have few things to inform. Can I have a minute?" she bows while he acknowledges it with a nod, "So sir.. few trainees are complaining about the leaking ceiling in their dorm. They want it to be fixed fast."

She starts reading the things from her notepad, "There are also a few collaborations with the western artists that can help us grow audience there. But we need your final approval to proceed with them."

"Okay, I will look into the collab thing. Mail me everything about it. About the ceiling, please get it repaired as soon as possible. I don't want those kids to have any kind of problem with their training. I will support them since i am fully able to." He smiles in the most pleasant way possible.

The lady nods, noting everything down on her notepad but doesn't leave afterwards.

"Do you have something else to say Mrs. Lim?"

She chuckles a bit and he looks at her with confusion, "may I know why you are laughing?" he asks politely yet with confusion.

Mrs. Lim yeets the notepad towards a nearby couch,

"Oh honey! drop the act already. No one is around." she walks towards his chair slowly and sits on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck affectionately.

"Goodness! you are good at acting. I thought there actually was someone around!" Han sneaks his hand around her waist and pulls her closer to himself.

"By the way babe, you should keep your door closed when talking about your mafia business. I was literally able to hear everything." she pecks him on his lips but he pulls her face closer.

"Okay honey" He pecks her on her cheek, "But I am sure no one will hear what we do here tonight. Be ready." and winks at her.

Instead of responding, she starts kissing him. he pulls away and puts his hand infront of her lips, preventing her from kissing him,

"Woah! Woah! Already? at this time? everyone is in the office, you know?" he smirks as she silently just removes his hand from her mouth and he pulls her up by her waist.

Setting her down on the desk, they both start making out passionately, heating up the whole room.

But little did they know that someone was standing near the open door, listening to them all this time.


"Shit! I'm fucking done for! That was literally one of Namjoon's most favorite vases!" Y/n stares down at the broken, scattered pieces of the vase.

"Oh, wait no! I could care less about that piece of mud at this motherfucking point!" she looks towards her door but then back at the vase, "UGH! anyways, it was for self-defense! Namjoon will have to understand that" she sighs with frustration and dashes towards her closet.

"Phew! I knew I was gonna need you someday." she pulls out her pocketknife from beneath her files.

She turns towards her doors and wastes no time in opening it and dashing out.

"What on the actual muffin-" the house was a total mess.

someone suddenly attacks y/n from behind and she barely dodges it, getting a scratch on her arm.

"Dodged it? well you were just lucky." he smirks and lunges towards her again, "but people don't get lucky twice back-to-back." 

She smirks back as she slashes his face, "would you like to call me an exception then?" she mocks him as he falls at her feet, groaning in pain.

Taking away the gun he has, she makes her way towards the stairs. "Would have been easier if you had just used this, but never mind."

"Hoseok?!" she calls out for him while shooting a person on their left arm and right leg.

she was scared that she may kill them. But knew she had to save her own damn life.

"KIM HOSEOK?!!" she shouts as she does not hear anything from downstairs.

There was no one in the hall but it looked as if there had been some people fighting.

A soft gasp leaves her mouth as someone grabs her wrist and pulls her. she points the gun right towards that person's head, only to lower it down with confusion.

"What the fuck are you doing here?! i think we told you to stay inside your damn room! and where the fuck did you get that gun from?!" Jimin starts furiously dragging y/n upstairs.

He tries snatching the gun away from her, "don't tell me you tried using it??? it is not some toy y/n!"  

"And I am not some fucking kid to play with toys Jimin! I know it is a goddamn gun and that's why I am using it!" she tries to break free from his grip, but it is too tight.

"Jimin let go, you are hurting me!" y/n stops in her tracks and tries her best to remove Jimin's harsh grip.

Jimin scoffs, "should have thought about it before! now quietly come with me unless you want to die."

"If that's the case, I would rather die than coming with you Kim Jimin. You are clearly hurting me and I would rather fight those people.", y/n glares at him and he glares back.

as they were having their 'lets-see-who-can-give-best-glare' competition, Jimin feels y/n lifting up her other arm.

she points the gun right at the center of his forehead, "let go Jimin or i will shoot"

Jimin holds y/n's wrist with which she is holding the gun, "i would like to see you try Kim y/n."

she takes in a deep breath to calm her trembling self, "i will really shoot Jimin. let go of my freaking hand."

Jimin chuckles coming near her face, "must be the first time you are holding a gun, bet you can't even use it" he clearly did not care about being held at gun point.

y/n makes her grip on the gun, firm. "You think?", she asks with such boldness and confidence that Jimin looks a little taken aback.

"Do you want to be a murderer? Do you even know how it feels to kill someone? You would never know y/n."

Without taking any more risk, Jimin twists y/n's free wrist, making her back face him. he snatches the gun away from her before dragging her again.

To his surprise, y/n stays quiet and follows him. maybe I shouldn't have said too much. what if she starts doubting me?

Y/n keep her eyes down all the way. all she could hear were the sounds from inside her head.

'You are a murderer!

'Eww, don't even come near me you killer!'

'How does it feel to kill someone? who would know better than y/n?' chuckles.

"But I didn't..." her voice trails off as she tears up. But quickly wipes the tears away before they can stain her cheeks.

Jimin glances at her and loosens his grip on her wrist, "it must not hurt that much now. come on, don't cry like kids."

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