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y/n is pulled out of her thoughts by Jin's voice, "you stay here with her, we will manage. Anyways, there are not much of them left."

Jimin gives y/n a little push into her own room where all her stepbrothers are present.

"Hyung she cannot hold us back! you know I am perfect for this job, can't someone else stay here with her??", she hears Hoseok and Jin arguing.

"No, moreover you are already exhausted Hoseok.", Jin stated calmly as he acknowledged the presence of Jimin and y/n by staring at the gun in Jimin's hand.

"Jimin? why on earth do you have a gun? where did you even get it from?" Jin glares at Jimin as if he has done some really horrible mistake, which he might have.

"Ask her! she had it and I just took it from her!" Jimin defends himself, handing over the gun to Jin.

Jin looks at y/n, but just as y/n was about to open her mouth for explanation, he starts speaking again.

"We don't have time for all this right now! Yoongi," the said boy stands straighter, "stay with y/n and make sure she is safe. I don't want to see any wounds on her..."

 "Although she already has quite a few of them", Namjoon points out making Jin and few others look at her.

"Kim Y/n, I will deal with you after all this mess is sorted. Better be ready for it." Jin glares at her and turns to look at Hoseok, she scoffs in return and rolls her eyes at him.

"And you Kim Hoseok! You better give your best or else you pretty well know the consequences." he stares at Hoseok with dark eyes and Hoseok just nods.

"Wait! where the hell are you all going?!" Y/n looks around the room and then at Yoongi, who was coming towards her.

"Don't waste any more time now. I will try to get her out of here and join you all."

"Oh no, you guys are going no fucking where! There are people with literal guns, fighting downstairs!" y/n holds Jimin's arm as he was standing the closest to her.

"You cannot tell us what to do, just wait till we sort this and get the house cleaned up. you can go to some friend's house till then." Jungkook rolls his eyes and exits the room without letting her reply back.

One by one all of them, except Yoongi, start exiting and y/n pushes Jimin towards the door too, "I did try to stop you all."

As soon as they close the door behind them, y/n turns to Yoongi, "Let's go!"


"Let's go and help them", she says picking up the gun from the nightstand, as Jin left it there for some reason.

"Y/n, don't be childish. put the damn gun down." Yoongi says, calmly sitting down at the couch and leaning back.

"They are your brothers Yoongi! don't you want to help them?? it is very dangerous down there!"

"My brother told me to stay here. I know they are going to be okay." He tilts his head a little to look at y/n with his usual calm and comforting expressions, "Moreover, you are my sister and I know you need me more at this time than they do."

Y/n stares at him and then smiles a little.

"You are telling me that's it?", Taehyung asks Namjoon as they look through the kitchen, making sure none of those people are left alive.

"Apparently, yes." Namjoon chuckles a little as he kicks a corpse, "our men and Hoseok did do a great job, handling them alone till we reached here."

"Hyung was right though, he indeed is perfect at his job" Taehyung smirks, shooting the body Namjoon had kicked.

"Why do they even try?" Namjoon laughs a little, staring at the now dead body.

Suddenly they hear a loud thud from the front door. Namjoon and Taehyung share a look with each other for a second before sprinting out of the kitchen.

"Where is Y/n?", Mr. Kim's voice was loud and angry.

"Upstairs", Jimin sighs sitting at the partly blood stained couch.

"What?! you all let her witness this horrific scene? i can not believe you guys!", He stomped further into the living

Namjoon scoffs a little and mutters, "Mother could not believe you either.."

"If you want to say something, say it more clearly, Kim Namjoon."

Namjoon bites his inner cheek, in an attempt to stay shut. for the sake of his brothers and himself.

"She is fine. Yoongi is with her" Jin steps up, shifting the topic back to Y/n and trying to calm his dad.

"Calm down honey, if she is with Yoongi, I am sure she is fine.", came Mrs. Kim's voice, her heels making a cackling sound as she entered the living room.

"Boys, are you all okay? Look at you guys, i was scared you might get hurt" she patted Hoseok's cheek softly with concerned eyes.

Mr. Kim rubs his temples and sighs, "why don't you guys go to the hospital to get your injuries checked? Meanwhile the house will get cleaned. It won't take that much of time."

Jin nods, "Okay dad. Let's go guys." Jin turns to walk towards the stairs.

"Oh, and take Y/n with you. I hope I won't have to remind this to you all every time. She is your sister, you have to include her with you all in everything you do. Don't let her feel left out.", their dad called from behind.

They all silently went upstairs to Y/n's room.

"What was that all about?", Y/n has her arms folded in front of her chest as she leans near the door frame.

Yoongi can be seen yawning on the couch in her room.

"Nothing." Jungkook replied, making his way past her and sitting on the couch beside Yoongi.

"I heard my name."

"Dad wants us to go to the hospital and get our wounds treated. He said he will get the house cleaned till then." Taehyung explained, going into Y/n's room and sitting down on her bed.

"Cleaning it will do no good.." she whispers to herself with a little disappointment.

She looks at them all as they make themselves comfortable in her room. She sighs and grabs a first aid kit from her cupboard.

"Let's at least disinfect your wounds before that, so that they don't get too infected till we reach hospital." She starts with Hoseok.

He tries to protest but she ignores. One by one she cleans all of their wounds and ties her hairs up, "Let's go then."

Jimin scoffs, "oh come on" he picks up the first aid kit himself and pulls Y/n back to make her sit on the bed.

"These are just few scratches Jimin. I will be fine, we are going to hospital any--- Ouh!" she flinches and pulls her hand back as Jimin applies the disinfectant.

Jungkook chuckles, "You did not see me flinching and shrieking like that kiddo!"

"Oh, shut up. You sound like a little baby trying to act strong." she rolls her eyes at him

"YOU sound like a baby, not me."

"Oh, do I? let's see if I flinch again! Jimin apply that thing!" y/n turns back to Jimin.

"See! a baby trying to prove that she is strong. pfft." Jungkook laughs pointing his index at Y/n

"There we go again...", Namjoon sighs but soon his face breaks into a small smile, looking at the two youngest bicker with each other. He shoots a video of them, also recording the laughing faces of his brothers.

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