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"Morning y/n-ssi.." The sweet voice of y/n's best friend makes her turn on her heel.

"Morning bora" y/n replies, keeping her gaze down. she stared at bora's feet as they slowly came near her. Then bora spoke, making y/n look at her.

"How are you? you know how worried I was when you did not come to school for 3 whole weeks?" she cups y/n's face softly, "I wanted to give you some time though. I am so sorry for your loss y/n.."

She smiles sympathetically at y/n. Y/n hated that smile. She hated the sympathy. Whoever that came at her dad's funeral would show y/n that sympathetic smile. She knew that sympathy was of no use. Because most of them would not understand what she is going through at the moment. They would just show her that little sympathy for few minutes before going on with their life, thanking God that their loved ones are safe. Moreover, their sympathy would never bring her dad back from dead.

She did not want their pity. But what were they supposed to do then? were they supposed to just drown in grief like she and her mother were drowning? of course not. They have a life and it doesn't matter if y/n's life is destroyed now, they are not supposed to stop living for y/n. The little 10-year-old was confused with her own emotions. 

'The world doesn't revolve around you y/n! You have to learn to be self dependent!', she would tell herself as she cried herself to sleep.

"Let's go to class?" Bora holds her hand and guides her towards their class and y/n let's her.

"Okay class, since y/n is back after almost 3 weeks, you all are supposed to help her with the syllabus we completed so that she does not fall far behind. Y/n, go take your seat", their homeroom teacher smiles at y/n and pats her head.

Y/n can see her classmates whispering to each other as she started making her way to her seat which was 3rd in 2nd row.

Soon their class was over and just as the teacher left, few students came near y/n's desk. "Omg guys! Look who we got here..." a girl gasped dramatically as she pointed at y/n.

"What do you want Byeol? leave her alone" Bora comes near y/n and grips her shoulder firmly.

"Don't team up with a murderer Bora! and don't touch that filthy skin of hers", a boy spoke, looking at y/n with a disgusted look.

"You guys are the filthy ones here! Not her. How can you say something like that to her knowing well that she just recently lost her dad!" Bora yells at all her classmates whereas y/n decides to stay quiet as she stares at all her classmates with a feeling of betrayal.

the people whom she studied with, had lunch with, had helped some or other way or all the people who had helped her, were all now looking at y/n with disgust or fear.

"Lost?" one girl scoffs, "how are you so sure she lost him? rather I would say she herself killed him!"

Bora punches her hard as that girl was standing near her, "Dare to say something like that again!"

The girl starts crying as she runs out of the class, "What?! cat caught your tongue bitch!?" Bora yells loud enough for that girl to hear before she was out of sight.

the room fell silent in an instant. 

"What are you all waiting for?? just get out of my sight before I punch each one of you!" Bora screams at them and they start leaving the class while mumbling something to each other.

Bora turns to y/n, "don't worry about what they say y/n-ah... you don't have to worry about anything. They are just pure assholes!"

y/n looks at her with teary eyes, "where did you learn all these bad words from? you know right you will get in trouble for using them and punching that girl?" 

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