Chapter 28

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Lin Nuo rubbed his forehead subconsciously, and watched Yun Hua make fun of him helplessly. It's better not to leave this kind of luck, as the evil spirit of blood can be seen, that monster is fierce.

Who knows what the Peach Blossom Demon wants to do, Lin Nuo doesn't think that the other party really wants to invite herself to her room.

The two walked towards the market and walked into the bustling crowd.

"Are you going to an appointment tonight?"

Yun Hua half covered her face with the palace fan, turned her head and asked him with a smile, the teasing in her eyes was too obvious.

Lin Nuo looked at Yun Hua who continued to make fun of him. Although his face suddenly became sad, he nodded and said, "Go, just take a look, what is she doing?"

"Also, if you get rid of this monster, I can also accumulate some merit for you."

Yun Hua pondered for a moment before speaking.

Although the matter of merit is invisible and intangible, it will be easier if merit is added to the body when the monk breaks through the catastrophe.

Therefore, the vast majority of orthodox monks will not do such outrageous things. When encountering demons or monsters that cause trouble, those who are capable will naturally surrender.

Of course, the kind of person who achieves a golden body of merit is already a legendary thing.

Regardless of merits and virtues, there is an unwritten rule for monks from the cultivation world to the mortal world, no matter they are decent or casual cultivators. When they meet a monster in the mortal world, if it is not urgent, if it is possible, they can cast spells. To subdue demons and eliminate demons, there will be monks passing by, and they will help, whether they know each other or not.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the world of practice and the world of human beings were actually one world, but monks occupied one side, while mortals lived in the other side, and the exchanges were relatively close. Their.

There used to be monks who fell into demons and wantonly massacred mortals, causing the lives to die. There were also incidents where those monks sought revenge and affected countless innocent mortals.

So later, in the rumors, it was the fairy world who took action and divided the mortal world into two worlds. The monks occupied the practice world, while the mortals stayed in the mortal world.

It is not to close the two worlds, but to use the Chaos Stone as an entrance for monks to travel between the two worlds. At the beginning, mortals can also enter the practice world.

It's just that they are weak and can't survive in the world of practice. There are no beasts with enlightened wisdom in the world of practice, because the spirit energy is enough, and they are more fierce than the beasts in the mortal world.

So sometimes when mortals enter the realm of cultivation, if they are lucky enough to be met by kind-hearted monks, they will be sent back to the realm of mortals.

As for those who were unlucky, many of them died in the mouths of wild beasts. Later, the practice community set up a blindfold at the mortal entrance of the Chaos Stone to prevent mortals from accidentally entering and losing their lives for nothing.

Chaos Stone looks like a big bluestone on the outside, but it is a treasure of heaven and earth, connecting the two worlds.

Although it has no major use other than being used as an entrance, it still has a small function, that is, it can distinguish the devilish energy on the monk. If it is a monk who has fallen into the devil, he will not be able to reach the mortal world from the realm of practice.

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