Chapter 30

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The Peach Blossom Demon finally fell into the devil, but in the end, the foundation was hurt, and the body was almost destroyed, so he only tried to drag Lin Nuo in.

And because he didn't attack him, he didn't touch the Yishang formation.

Fortunately, Hui Jian responded in a timely manner. At that time, Lin Nuo followed closely and came here together.

For some reason, Lin Nuo saw Shen Han from afar and wanted to run away.

In a panic, I entered a forest, but the trees in this forest were all crooked, and only a small piece of forest behind was still in order.

The wave formation on his clothes just now was really bigger.

Lin Nuo hid behind a big tree cowardly, saw Hui Jian following him, raised his index finger to his lips, and made a "shh" motion, with a nervous expression on his face.

Shen Bing understands human nature, seeing Lin Nuo like this, although he was a little puzzled, but after all, he flew behind Lin Nuo, quietly, without making a sound.

Lin Nuo couldn't care less about praising Hui Jian at this time, he was extremely nervous.

Suddenly thinking of the movement that was made just now, whether Shen Han has already discovered it.

No matter how much he tried to convince himself, the formation on the clothes was carved by Shen Han, and Shen Han's cultivation base is so high...

After realizing this, Lin Nuo's face immediately collapsed, frowning, but he still hid here, with a little luck in his heart, even if Shen Han noticed him, he would not come over, because last time he said nothing It's for that.

Thinking of the cassock she was still wearing, Lin Nuo looked down, hid behind the tree, tried not to make a sound, and took off the cassock.

He was actually a little embarrassed, he said that there was nothing to do with it, and he wanted to return these things to Shen Han, but now he was wearing clothes made by Shen Han.

This kind of mood made Lin Nuo feel very complicated for a while, as if, if Shen Han saw him wearing this cassock so shamelessly, he would definitely look at him coldly, thinking that he was very, very shameless.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, of course he was angry because he didn't live up to expectations, but Lin Nuo quickly put away his cassock, calmed down, and waited for Shen Han to leave, so he could look around to see how to get back.

Qing'er and Yun Hua must have been anxious. Lin Nuo sighed silently. He was still impulsive, but he never expected that the Peach Blossom Demon had fallen into a demon.

He pricked up his ears to listen to the movement outside, but there was no sound. Lin Nuo held his breath and waited patiently for a while.

Could it be that Shen Han didn't come here, but just passed by.

Lin Nuo thought for a while, then carefully poked her head out from behind the tree, to see if there was no one outside the forest.

With his back facing the forest, Shen Han didn't know what he was looking at, it happened to be the place where Lin Nuo was attacked before.

So Lin Nuo hid back again, staying very quietly behind the tree without saying a word, he wanted to wait for Shen Han to leave before going out.

The stomach was kicked suddenly, Lin Nuo lowered his head, looked at the belly that could not be covered even with loose clothes, and felt troubled, but luckily it was just such a move.

The spirit fetus is very healthy, grows faster, is strong and a little naughty, and there will be small movements every day or two, indicating its existence.

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