Chapter 112

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The general trend of the demon clan is gone, Shen Han has already made preparations after guessing that the demon master is likely to use the hidden sword peak to perform surgery.

He has been waiting, waiting for the demon army to gather here and eradicate them in one fell swoop, so that even if there are remnants of the remnants of the party, it will not cause major damage to the other three realms.

What Shen Han didn't expect was that Lin Nuo actually knew his own identity.

He is the companion sword spirit of Xuanyuan Ancient Sword.

In that bronze mirror, Shen Han not only saw the fragments of the ancient sword and the battle a thousand years ago, but also saw the sword spirit conceived from the ancient Xuanyuan sword.

In the beginning, it was just a cloud of aura, born from the sword.

And the Demon Realm was not only sealed once thousands of years ago. At the very beginning, a Taoist priest got an ancient sword from nowhere. It was broken by mistake.

The Ancient Xuanyuan Sword had been supported in the chaotic gap between the two realms for many years, but in the end it still failed and broke into three pieces.

And the sword spirit also escaped from the ancient sword when it was broken.

The world in the mirror passed by very quickly, Shen Han was tracking that ball of spiritual energy, after all, it was a sword spirit, and wanted to know its whereabouts, unexpectedly, he saw Lin Nuo when he was a child in a blink of an eye.

The sword spirit was born earlier than the time when the demon world was sealed thousands of years ago, but it turned into Lin Nuo. Shen Han didn't know how he drifted over the thousand years.

All he knew was that Lin Nuo couldn't die, and once the sword spirit returned to its position, if it took a long time, it was very likely that his mind would be re-integrated and become an ignorant sword spirit with only instincts.

This guess was confirmed after he brought Lin Nuo out of the sword.

Besides, if he wanted to kill the demon lord, the Xuanyuan Sword would be a great help, and it would probably hurt Lin Nuo inside, Shen Han would never do that.


It was raining heavily, and Lin Nuo stood in the courtyard, but was finally pulled back by Gu Qing.

The people from Hidden Sword Peak began to clean up the battlefield. All the demons here were dead, and even the demon phoenix was dragged in.

Although there are still a part of the demon army slaughtering and wreaking havoc in other places, Zangjian Peak has become like this, with many dead and injured disciples, and now they can't care about foreign aid, so they can only discuss after a short rest.

Lin Nuo didn't have any intention to pay attention to all kinds of things outside, he sat in the room with a dazed expression.

Recalling yesterday when Shen Han grabbed his hand to prevent him from touching the ancient Xuanyuan sword, he realized later that Shen Han knew about it a long time ago, after all, he used the bronze mirror to find the whereabouts of the fragments.


Zai Zai was not snatched, nor was he injured, he just slept for a long time, and it was already the second day after the war ended when he woke up.

He babbled in a childish voice, waving his fleshy little hands to get Lin Nuo's attention.

Grabbing the fat cub's hand and kissing it, Lin Nuo showed a faint smile, which soon disappeared. He sat in the courtyard and looked at the sky from a distance, and he just watched it for most of the morning.

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