Two truths and a lie

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"Could you two not wait until we got home?" I scoff as I climb into the car, trying to ignore Harper and Lucian making out in my backseat

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"Could you two not wait until we got home?" I scoff as I climb into the car, trying to ignore Harper and Lucian making out in my backseat.

"Don't be jealous," Lucian snorts, his arm draped around Harper.

I roll my eyes, ignoring him as I take off down the street. "Where are we going?" He questions, noticing that this is not the direction of home.

"To find her," I state bluntly, my eyes drifting from the road as I light a cig. 

"I'm sorry Emilio, I genuinely had no idea that she would run," Harper mutters guiltily. "It's fine, we'll find her," I assure her. 

"How can you be so sure?" Lucian questions, clearly doubting my ability to find her. "Because I'm having our men tap into the security of every business in the area and they're sending me live updates on every camera she's showed up on," I reply, exhaling smoke into the car.

"Wow you must really want her back," He teases. "Well do you want to tell dad that we lost her?" I snap back, causing him to snort. 

"Yeah I'm sure that's why you want her back," He says mockingly. I don't reply, having nothing to say to that ridiculous statement. 

"Do me a favour and read that," I mumble after a few moments of silence, handing my phone to Harper.

She squints down at it, reading the messages between me and our head of security. "He says she was last seen along Via Giulia," She reads, causing me to floor it in that direction.

"This should be interesting," Lucian mumbles, a grin on his face as he leans back in his seat. I continue driving, the streets I drive along getting sketchier and sketchier as each minute passes.

"Why would she walk down here?" Harper questions worriedly, looking out the tinted windows at the run down buildings and presumed drug dealers lining the streets.

"She probably has a death wish," Lucian grumbles. "Or maybe not everyone is as privileged to grow up in a mansion like us," I snap, him talking about Serena irking me.

"Watch the windows," I instruct, peering out the windscreen for any sight of her. 

The soft hum of the radio fills the car as we each stare out of our windows, eyeing anyone that walks down the street.

"There!" Harper screeches, effectively startling me. I snap my head in the direction of where she's pointing, my eyes eventually landing on a familiar looking girl.

She's leaned against a brick wall, her shadowy silhouette illuminated by the soft glow of the near by streetlamp.

I slam on the breaks, parking in the middle of the empty street before quickly hopping out. I feel myself smiling at the fact that I tracked her down, she thought she could outsmart me but I found her.

My internal gloating is replaced with anger when I realise that she must be apart of that cartel. What other reason would she have to run if she wasn't guilty.

"Serena!" I shout as I approach but she doesn't look up, her eyes focused on the pavement. "She really thought you could run from me?" I laugh, the anger evident in my voice.

I holt in front of her, our bodies inches apart as we stand on the silent street but my anger evaporates altogether when I get a closer look at her.

Her eyes are tightly clamped shut, her face tear stricken as her body sways unsteadily.

"Serena what's wrong?" I question urgently, trying but failing to mask my concern. She doesn't reply, her fists scrunched into balls at her side as the pained expression on her face intensifies.

"Serena?" I repeat, reaching out to grab her unstable body. "Please- please be quiet," She stutters out, her voice strained.

"What's happening," I whisper as I lean down to meet her eye level, my voice almost inaudible. 

"Migraine," She mumbles after a few moments of silence, now clutching her head. 

I place my hand on her shoulder, gently leading her towards the car. "No, I need to.." She shakes her head weakly, seemingly forgetting her thought mid sentence.

"Turn off the music," I mouth to Harper, who leans over the console as I help Serena into the passenger seat.

I do up her seatbelt before circling around to the drivers seat, slowly closing the door behind me.  "Erm what's going on?" Lucian obnoxiously questions, his voice so loud it makes me wince as Serena lets out a whimper.

"Shut up," I grit through my clenched jaw, looking at him through the rear view mirror as I take off down the street.

Throughout the silent driver I sneak glances at her, curiosity coursing through me as I wonder how a migraine could leave her in this much pain. I've heard that they're bad but I didn't know they were this bad.

We eventually make it back to the house, Harper and Lucian climbing out as soon as I parked while Serena made no effort to move.

Her fists are still tightly curled, her nails digging into her palm and leaving little indents.

"Can you walk?" I ask, opening my car door. She nods, slowly opening hers. I start walking towards the door that leads into the foyer when I turn and notice she hasn't moved, still leaned against the car.

I sigh before approaching her. "Come on," I beckon, placing my hand on her shoulder but immediately retracting it when I feel how hot her skin is. 

"You're burning up," I conclude, my hand resting on her forehead. 

She seems out of it, nodding her head lazily in reply. I hurriedly lead her through the house, ignoring Tyler who's passed out on the coach as I make my way to her room.

I turn on the light but instantly regret it when she whimpers again, the light seemingly increasing her pain. 

"Okay okay, sit down," I instruct, gently pushing her to the bed. "I'll go get some ice or something," I mumble stupidly, having no idea what do to.

"I'm fine," She grits as I adjust a pillow under her head. "Sure you are," I reply sarcastically, turning towards the door.

"Wait," She calls out weakly after I'd opened the door. I turn to her, our eyes meeting. "Why are you looking after me, aren't you going to like.. punish me for running away?" She asks wearily.

I don't know what to reply because I don't know the answer myself. 

I don't know why I feel the urge to take care of her or why seeing her in pain fills me with dread. I swore to myself that after my ex I wouldn't get involved with another girl emotionally but here I am empathising with her when I should be treating her like what she is, a captive. 

"My father wants you alive," I reply coldly, walking out and closing the door behind me.

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