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I sit on the antique leather chair in the centre of my dad's office as he drones on about new developments in the mafia, unable to focus after the last thing he said

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I sit on the antique leather chair in the centre of my dad's office as he drones on about new developments in the mafia, unable to focus after the last thing he said.

'We've finished the background check on Serena and she's clean, you can let her go' 

I should be happy, relieved even. She was telling the truth and now we can part ways and go on with our lives but for some reason happy is the opposite of what I feel.

Over the past few days we've actually gotten onto a friendship level and I don't want to let it go just yet.

"Are you even listening to me Emilio?" My dad questions, cigar in hand as he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Huh? Yeah," I mumble, my mind elsewhere. He rolls his eyes, clearly not believing me. 

"You're free to go," He grumbles, refocusing his attention towards the mountain of paperwork on his desk.

I don't have to be asked twice, pulling myself off the chair and walking out the office my dad singlehandedly hot boxed.

I walk through the maze like hallways, my eyes drifting past the rows of extravagant art and expensive paintings lining the walls.

"Leaving without saying goodbye?" A voice I immediately recognise as my mum's rings out from the living room. 

"I didn't realise you were home," I reply apologetically as I cross the living room. She's sprawled out lazily across the sofa in her sweats, munching on a bag of Doritos as she watches tv.

"Comfortable there?" I question sarcastically, sitting down on the opposite couch. "Mh hm," She hums, offering me some.

I watch tv with her for a while, mostly zoning out the entire time. All I can think about is Serena and the fact that tonight I'll have to tell her that she's free to go.

"What's wrong?" She questions, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Nothing," I answer immediately.

"Right.." She trails off. "Could it have anything to do with that girl?" She asks skeptically. 

"What girl?" I reply, feigning obliviousness when in reality I know actually what girl she's talking about. "You know which one," She snorts, rolling her eyes.

"Your brother tells me you're quite infatuated with her," She teases.

"He doesn't know what he's talking about," I scoff, knowing I might just slap him when I get home.

"Whatever you say son," She laughs. "If you like her just tell her," She shrugs, returning her attention to the tv.

I huff, crossing my arms and leaning back against the cushions. 

I don't like Serena. I mean sure I like her, she's funny, pretty and smart but I don't like her. I don't want a relationship right now anyway, not after the last.

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