Drunk actions, sober thoughts

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"Okay I'll go first," Harper announces as we sit cross legged on the floor

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"Okay I'll go first," Harper announces as we sit cross legged on the floor. 

"Lucian, truth or dare," She smirks, rubbing her hands together. Lucian; being the menace he is, answers predictably, "Dare." 

Harper thinks for a moment before her eyes drift to the row of drinks we'd lined up on the coffee table. 

"I dare you to do five shots, vodka straight," She dares, knowing Lucian has a strong distaste for the drink. "Evil woman," He mumbles, getting up and pouring himself the shots.

We laugh as he does them, finding his face scrunched up in disgusted amusing.

We continue playing, answering question after question until eventually we're all highly tipsy and somewhat effected by the game. 

Miles is soaked head to toe from when Serena dared him to jump in the pool, Tyler is still reeling from when he made the mistake of picking truth and had to tell us the embarrassing story of how he lost his virginity and Harper is still dizzy from when Miles dared her to spin around in a circle for two minutes then try and hit a baseball in the back garden.

"Okayyy, Emilio," Lucian slurs, absolutely shit faced. "I dare you to kiss the person you find most attractive," He dares. I roll my eyes, knowing what he's up to.

He knows I'll pick Serena and even when drunk he's trying to interfere with our relationship. I don't complain though, appreciating any reason to be able to kiss her.

Normally I would have stopped and asked for her permission but with the alcohol running through my veins it didn't occur to me as I turn my head to her and pull her in.

Our lips connect and I still get that exciting buzzing feeling in my stomach just like the first time we kissed. I tilt my head more, making it easier for us to deepen our kiss as my hand grasps the back of her neck.

"Alright alright I said kiss not full on make out," Lucian laughs from across our makeshift circle, causing me to pull away after realising I may be getting ahead of myself.

I straighten up, waiting for whoever's turn it is next. Serena sits next to me, our arms grazing each other and it takes everything in me not to just say fuck this game and take her to my bedroom.

"I've had enough," Miles whines, clutching his stomach as if he's about to gag. Lucian had dared him to shave his head which he obviously refused, causing him to have to do eight shots in forfeit. In hindsight it maybe wasn't the best idea.

I grimace as I watch him puke, spilling his guts onto the oakwood floors. "Eww" Harper shrieks as we all back away.

"Fuck this," I slur, trying to avoid looking at the puddle of vomit as I scamper back to my room.

Being the only somewhat sober person here, I'm the one tasked with helping Miles back to his room

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Being the only somewhat sober person here, I'm the one tasked with helping Miles back to his room.

I lead him there, having to catch a vase he almost drunkly knocked off a table in the process. 

He rambles on and on about something to do with never being able to part with his hair as I help him to the bed, dumping him on it and pulling up the covers before turning and heading out.

I cross over to my room, watching Harper and Lucian enter their's as I do so.

Tonight was fun, it felt as if I was just a teenager again, having fun without a care in the world.

As always I couldn't fully enjoy myself because of the ever increasing pain in my stomach. The whole night it felt like I was being repeatedly stabbed, at one point I was gripping my glass so hard I felt like it may break under the pressure.

I strip off my clothes, swapping them with a fresh pyjama set but as I'm about to climb into bed that all too familiar wave of nausea hits me.

"Fuck," I groan to myself, clutching my stomach. I feel bile rising, burning my throat as I rush to the bathroom. 

I lean over the toilet and empty the little amount of food my stomach was harbouring.  

"Serena?" A voice calls out from behind me. I don't have to turn around to know who it is, his voice sending chills down my spine.

"One minute," I wave him off, feeling embarrassed that he witnessed that. Of course he doesn't leave, the sound of him approaching me echoing through the silent bathroom.

"Are you alright?" He asks, his hand rubbing my back in a circular motion. "Yeah I'm fine," I reply instantly and somewhat unconvincingly.

He helps pull me to my feet and I flush the toilet as he holds onto my arm to stabilise me. "Do you feel sick?" He questions, the alcohol wafting off him as he presses his palm against my forehead, trying to gage my temperature.

"No," I shake my head. "Drank too much," I shrug, my lie convincing. 

He nods, clearly amused and too drunk to realise I'd only been sipping one drink throughout the night.

"Do you feel okay now though?" He asks worriedly. "You thirsty? hungry?" He adds.

"I'm okay," I reply, smiling to reassure him. "I don't think I can say the same about you though," I snort, watching him sway on his feet.

"I'm fine, unlike you I can actually handle my booze," He smirks, placing his hand on the bathroom counter to stabilise himself and knocking over multiple skincare products in the process.

"Okay I think you need to get to bed," I laugh, pushing him in the direction of the door. I try and lead him towards his room but he stops in the centre of mine, his feet rooted to the floor.

"Emilio move," I instruct but he refuses to budge. 

"I don't want to go back to my room," He groans, turning to face me.

"You need to sleep," I reply softly, attempting to convince him. "Okay," He smiles, collapsing onto my bed. 

"I meant in your room," I huff, hovering over him. "I want to sleep in here," He yawns, shifting to get under the covers. 

"Why?" I question, knowing my bed is like half the size of his super king one. "Because I want to be near you," He states in a 'duh' tone as if pointing out the obvious. 

This leaves me speechless for a second but I can't help but crack a smile at his brazenness. I think I like drunk Emilio.

Before I have time to respond he's pulling me down onto the bed. "Emilio," I squeal in surprise, falling on top of him.

"I'm going to hurt you," I laugh, trying to roll off him. "Please you practically weigh nothing," He scoffs.

He eventually let's go of me and I lay next to him. He tilts his head towards me, our eyes meeting as he smiles.

"You're so pretty," He yawns, his tired green eyes piercing mine. "So are you," I compliment back, unable to contain my smile.

He leans in, softly pressing his lips to my forehead.

"I want you to be mine Serena," He drunkenly mumbles before his body completely relaxes and he passes out against me.

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