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I duck down behind the flipped over table, dragging Serena with me as the sound of gunshots and screams echo through the cafe

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I duck down behind the flipped over table, dragging Serena with me as the sound of gunshots and screams echo through the cafe.

From the corned of my eye I can see Serena shaking, Lucian shielding Harper with his body and Tyler pulling out his phone whilst I pull out my gun.

I return fire, ignoring the now sheering pain in my shoulder as I do my best to aim under pressure. I'm able to shoot one in the arm before I run out of bullets, not having enough firepower to take on four men by myself.

I duck back down behind the table, cursing as I realise that there's no way out of this. I pull Serena's hand into mine, hoping to provide her with even a little amount of comfort in what could be our last minutes on earth.

The table is practically flung across the room by one of the large men, leaving us completely out in the open.

I find myself shielding Serena almost out of instinct, my body moving in front of hers. The four of them loom over us, guns still in hand.

"This is a warning, tell your father if he doesn't pay back what he owes you won't make it out alive next time," He spits before rushing out the building as police sirens get closer.

"Is everyone okay?" Miles rushes out, scanning over all of us. We all take a minute to check ourselves, no one being entirely sure.

Lucian inspects Harper's crying frame thoroughly before pulling her into a hug. 

"You're bleeding," Serena gasps, gently grasping my arm. "It's fine it's just a graze," I assure her, walking towards the exit.

I walk out as three police cars pull up, their sirens still on as the officers rush out. The first officer pulls his gun out and points it at me before his face morphs into one of realisation.

"Mr Cruz," He nods, lowering his weapon. I nod at him, leading everyone back to the car in silence.

I know I should probably stay and explain to the police what happened but right now I just want to get home and speak with my father.

The car ride home is tense.

I can't seem to take my eyes off Serena, I admire the way she's pulling herself together right now. I saw it in her eyes and the way she was slightly shaking how scared she was and yet she forced all of that down and put on a brave, almost emotionless face. I wonder how often she does that.   

I feel relief that it ended the way it did, although it still means that we're currently in danger.

We park croakily in the driveway, each climbing out and dispersing into the house. "I'll phone dad," Lucian tells me as he leads a still shaken Harper into their room.

Everyone else heads to their rooms, needing their own time. I walk to mine and immediately look at my graze in the mirror, watching the blood pour down my arm.

I sigh, slightly wincing as I head to the kitchen to grab our first aid kit. I search through our cabinet full of random items, ignoring the pain shooting through my arm until I eventually find it.

"Let me help," A voice rings out. I turn and see Serena leaning against the doorway, her hair now in a bun and a hoodie thrown over her bikini.

Normally I would deny her help but I want to be near her right now, especially after the decision I just made.

She approaches me, sifting through the medical supplies before getting to work on my graze. Her gentle fingers trail up and down my skin, giving me a feeling I'm unable to describe.

I watch her angelic face as she frowns at my wound, making me chuckle. 

"These always hurt like a bitch," She mumbles, pulling out the septic wipes. "How do you know, get a lot of gunshot wounds?" I tease.

She rolls her eyes playfully, proceeding to clean and bandage my arm.

"All done," She chirps proudly, looking up at me. She's smiling, her glossy lips tempting me as we hold eye contact.

She is so beautiful. Just everything about her is perfect, her intricately placed freckles, the way her face is framed by wild, loose curls and how her eyes are the most vivid green ones I've ever seen.

I've never been a religious man but there must be some sort of god out there because I refuse to believe someone so objectively flawless could have been created by accident.

I straighten up, no longer leaning against the kitchen counter as I tower over her. Her eyes shift upwards, never once leaving mine.

My hands travel upwards, gently grasping the back of her head. She doesn't say anything, breathing heavily as her mouth parts ever so slightly.

I give into temptation, unable to resist the way I gravitate towards her. I kiss her deeply, our bodies moulding together as my hands tangle in her hair. 

I don't know how long we're standing there, maybe a minute maybe an hour but we eventually pull away, panting for air.

She looks slightly dazed but I see the corners of her lips twitch upwards, causing mine to mirror hers.

"I'm going to um- yeah," She stutters out, stepping away from me and turning towards the hallway.

I laugh at her cuteness before my face falls, suddenly remembering what I have to do. "Serena," I call out as she goes to leave.

"Yeah?" She questions sweetly, her head slightly tilted. "My dad said you're clean," I tell her. 

"Your dad said what now?" She questions, her face slightly disturbed.

"No- like your background check," I clarify. "Ohhh, right" She laughs.

"Wait what.." She pauses. So that means I can go?" She asks hesitantly. "Yeah," I mutter, trying not to give way how I feel about it.

I can't gage her reaction, she doesn't look over the moon like I had expected her to, instead she looks thoughtful.

Selfishly, I was planning on not telling her just yet. I was going to wait a few days, maybe even a week before telling her so I could have more time with her but after today I realised that it wasn't right.

Why should she have to put her life in danger just because I can't let go.

"Oh," She states bluntly, all amusement gone from her voice. "I'll go get my stuff ready," She says, turning around and heading to her room.

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