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The wind blew as Anastasia sat under the stars.

This was her happy place.

Under an open heaven with no distractions.

Just her, a blanket, the stars, and best of all, God.

She normally took this time to unwind after a long, yet satisfying day at work, but this time was different.

"It was surprisingly good," She whispered to God as she rocked in her chair.

No matter what, no matter when God met her where she was.

Tonight, she was in a good place.

"I think he may be a good person. I noted it before, but after spending the afternoon with him, I see and believe it."


Uncommonly good.

"He's safe,"

He was himself. He didn't try to caress her. He was only Austin.

And there was no pressure.

She couldn't see the man suddenly deciding to make a move. From what she noticed, he was wise about how to move forward.

If he wasn't, she would walk away immediately.

Safety needed to remain.


She was wise enough to know that something could come from nothing. God would keep her.

She was sure of it.

Why else would He allow this to be?

"I won't question You. Instead, I'll enjoy this sweet time under Your stars, so beautifully made," She gushed while gazing upward.

Every night, she silently prayed to see a shooting star.

Tonight was like the others.

One day, she would see one and rejoice.

Until then, she was more than delighted to be still and know.

The Creator of the stars adored her more than she adored His stars.

What a wonderful revelation.


"I found it!"

Dominic walked into the living room with his brow raised.

"You're up early," He noted.

Austin ignored him and pressed the buy it now button.

He'd been searching up and down for the Super Mario Bros. movie for three days.

Finally, he found it.

"Three-day shipping," He murmured.

Could he wait three days?

He'd already waited three during the search.

"I can," He answered.

Those three extra days could be days of preparation.


Because he was a sucker.

He didn't want to be. He wanted to pretend to not care about the beautiful woman named Anastasia, or as she requested, chère, but it didn't seem to be possible.

He wasn't trying to do anything with her. He just really enjoyed being with her. It seemed like she sorta felt the same.

He hoped.

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