Final Author's Note

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It's over y'all.

This book is so so very special to my heart because of how it began.🥺

It began on a car ride and my heart was aching. God used that ache to make something beautiful. I'm so grateful for the way He can make beauty from ashes!🥹

Anastasia's story, Austin's story, my goodness, they were very precious people who just wanted to do the right thing and stay safe/out of trouble.

God saw their hearts and found that they were the right fit.🤭

I loved writing every single part of this book. At one point, when I got the new story idea, I wasn't as excited as I could've been, so I asked God to give me joy and excitement about Anastasia because this was His story. He did, and I'm so grateful.🫶🏽

The main theme in this story is the God who makes all things new. And in that, we see His heart in such a pure way. He never rushes. He never pushes. He never presses. He allows us to choose and out of that, we see beauty or a painful story turn into something worthy.🥹

This note doesn't feel like goodbye because it isn't. God has blessed me with a bonus chapter, so y'all will be getting that soon! I'm so excited and grateful to share a bit more of A +A!🥳🤪

If you enjoyed this story, do share if you'd like. Whatever you do, I'm grateful for you. 🫶🏽

Readers, you literally rock! Commenters, you literally rock! Your excitement, annoyances, and encouraging words blessed me so very much! Voters, you literally rock too! I appreciate you all!❤️‍🔥

Do stick around for the newest book in the collection, Obadiah. I'll share more later.😉

Anywho, this four-month journey has been just like Anastsaia's and Austin's. Very woah, wait, bless the Lord for healing, and good.🫨🙌🏽

Once again, the bonus chapter will be out soon! Keep your eyes open!


What was your favorite part of the story? What made you swoon? What made you upset? What made you fall in love with Austin...?😌

Bye, for now!👋🏽

Jasmyn Tailor

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