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She was in Oregon.

Camp Sherman, Oregon to be exact.

It was time to be still and be.

Her mind was crunched and stretched at once.

Why was there so much going on?

Why did she say yes to Austin's kiss?

Why did Bradley try to hurt her again?

Why couldn't she keep her word?

"Because I'm only a human," She whispered in defeat.

What surprised her most was the calm reaction she still had to her feelings for Austin.

How was it acceptable?

Didn't she despise the thought of loving again?


She was afraid.

Fear crippled her.

Fear kept her from wanting another love.

She was willing to keep her heart locked away and remain safe for the rest of her life.

But what was she safe from?

Anastasia looked around the cabin and shook her head.

"God, it's so much. But at the same time, it isn't." She murmured. "I don't even know what to think, or do,"

This is why she wanted to be alone.

She didn't have to figure things out. She only had to cling to God and trust His heart.

But what was His heart for this?

Did He want this?

Did He do this?

She didn't know.

But what did she know?

"I'm free,"

She was free.

Her parents couldn't force a man on her anymore.

Her parents couldn't quiet her about Benjamin anymore.

She wouldn't allow it.

She couldn't allow it.

And Bradley.

A shiver ran down her spine, but she wouldn't waste a tear over the wicked man.

She hoped he would go to jail.

Anything to keep him from hurting another woman.

She was safe.

A smile grew on her face at the thought.

"No more,"

It was all over.

And that was enough to calm her heart for another moment.

She wasn't ready to go deeper.

She wasn't quite ready to think of Austin.

Not in a way that unveiled her feelings and the unknown.

God wasn't rushing her.

This was their time.

Peace covered her as she closed her eyes.

Gradually, yet surely, things would be unveiled.


"What do you mean she ain't home?"

Dominic sighed. "I mean she isn't home. She left."

Austin's heart dropped.

He hoped Dominic was just messing, but it was obvious that he wasn't.

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