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"Oh, dear, I wanted you to wear a soft yellow dress." Diana tsked as she observed Anastasia. "I think you have something in your closet,"

Anastasia shook her head.

Her mother should've been grateful that she arrived at the party. Instead, she wanted to make Anastasia her doll.

The Randolphs were hosting an afternoon soiree. Something considerably smaller than the last, but still with enough men for Diana to offer Anastasia to.

"Mother, I like this dress. I will not change." She said politely and walked into the grand room.

Diana hummed while shaking her head disapprovingly. "Bradley will find you enthralling despite your accordance with my advice."

Anastasia's heart dropped. "No. No, Mother. I told you and Bradley that I am not interested. Please don't make me talk to him."

Bradley was different. She couldn't forget the way he looked at her. She couldn't erase the promising tone he spoke with.

He wanted something more than a date with her.

He wanted to make her his toy.

"Darling, he's already here, along with the others I have for you to meet." Diana said pointedly. "Now, would I be a kind hostess if I sent them away?"

Anastasia shook her head and prayed that Bradley would have to leave.

"Anastasia," Amadeus greeted her with a warm smile as she walked into the grand room. "You look exceptionally beautiful,"

She smiled as best as she could and hugged her father. "Thank you,"

She wasn't feeling it today.

Now that she knew this party was an attempt to parade her around, she was unsettled.

Something was off.

"Will Dominic be joining us?" She hoped he would. She could attach herself to him for the afternoon and be safe.

Amadeus nodded. "Of course, darling. He's bringing Austin as well. Though he exploded over dinner, the cad is a jester." He chuckled.

Anastasia pulled away from her father with disappointment. "Daddy, please don't call him a cad or mock him. He's a good man."

"He is a cad, cupcake. You can't change a cad or dress one up and make him someone new. But you are sweet for believing such things," He kissed her temple and left her alone.

Her parents had a long way to go.

She hoped Dominic would arrive soon.



Austin shook his head. "Ain't no way, Nic."

"Come on,"

Austin shook his head again. "I ain't gonna be mocked by your folks or them fancy jerks."

He refused.

Dominic sighed. "We don't have to stay long. You can drive yourself and leave when you want."

Austin only stared at him dryly.

"Come on. It won't be bad this time,"

Austin scoffed. "You ain't no prophet, Nic. Why would I go with you?"

Dominic's mind ran dry, but then he remembered something. "Anastasia will be there." He said with a teasing glare.

Much to his dismay, Anastasia's name made his heart jump.

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