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Austin shot up in a cold sweat and looked at the clock.

3:29 AM.

He groaned and gripped his hair in frustration.

It took him three hours to get into a deep sleep after Anastasia left. He was always excited and energetic after spending time with the beautiful woman.

His fiancée.

In his frustration, he smiled at the thought of her.

"Marry somebody who makes you smile even when you want to fuss," He noted.

Anastasia was perfect for him.

His posh pretty chère.

Her manners were weird, but he'd look past them to marry her.

He had jokes this early.

"Lord, what am I doin up?"

Good question.

The Lord did know everything.

He waited for something.


He looked at the clock again.

3:31 AM.

He was wide awake.

"Bless my pen, Lord." He prayed before taking out his notebook and pen.

He was going to take advantage of this sleepless night.

The last song he'd written was the song for Anastasia.

His sweet chère.

She was a precious muse.

But there was a muse more precious than she.

The One who saved him.

The One who allowed all this goodness to happen for him.

The One who turned his life around and made him new.

"Gimme the words to say, You been real good, the greatest," He prayed earnestly.

Every day, God was doing something more in and around him.

It was a blessing to be alive and not have things go haywire or be haunted by his past mistakes.

He was a new creation and he'd stick to God forever, he'd worship God forever, and he'd live for God forever.

"That's it," He murmured as warmth filled him.

There was a song in his heart for His Savior.

'Let there be a song forever on my lips,

Let there be a praise forever in my heart,

Let there be a cry of joy for the freedom You have given me,

Let there be a love purely for Your grace

You have changed me,

You have saved me,

You have freed me,

You have turned my life around,

You have done it all,

You have done it all.

I bow myself before You, askin You to be my Lord

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