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Anastasia felt like...

Well, she felt like a sheep dancing on freshly cut grass.

Frolicking and grateful for everything that her Good Shepherd blessed her with.

It was a strange explanation, but it was accurate.

This was faith.

This was trust.

This was walking with the Good Shepherd even when fear tried to halt the walk.

Anastasia sighed deeply, happily, and entirely kept.

This was something she'd only read about.

God didn't have to give her a new beginning.

He could've left her brokenhearted and afraid.

He could've left her wallowing, walls a mile high, and defensive about the love she lost.

She was a new woman.

She was!

A giggle left her lips.

She wasn't a giggler.

Not before Austin.

She really loved Austin.

Like, really.

He was a terrifying man.

Just good, handsome, silly, amazing, carefree, thoughtful, and wonderful.

And he was terrifying because he was the one who made her life turn giggly.

But there was nothing to fear with Austin.

She knew without a doubt that he loved her too much to hurt her.

Her most handsome Bayou's finest.

She would've swooned if he were around.

"I can't believe he's done this to me," She grumbled with a smile teasing her lips.

It was okay.

She was twenty-two.

Swooning was part of her role.

Not initially.

Her upbringing didn't leave room for being silly over men.

However, she wouldn't have found a reason to swoon over them.

Benjamin was the exception, but Austin was out of this world.


She giggled.

She'd never met a man from Louisiana before meeting Austin.

Now she was ruined for any other kind of man.

Lousiana and the Bayou's finest was her one and only.

Her sweet friend.

"Fiancé," She corrected herself proudly.

She had a fiancé again.

She still wasn't over it.

Not that she should've been.

She wanted to revel in that beautiful gift forever.

Her story didn't end.

She only had to take time to allow the wounds to heal, the scars to fade, and for God to give her the push she needed.

What if she hadn't chosen Austin?

What if she chose to walk alone?

She shook her head.

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