Gone In The Wind.

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Bill knew immediately that his best friend would be arriving to LA.

He didn't find out from her directly. Rather, it was the magazines and talk on social media that alerted him of the news. It had been some time since they've last spoken, even over phone. He hated it. He hated the distance that was between them, perhaps that would change once they met face to face.

His bandmates noticed his cheery mood and beaming smile instantly. They noticed he walked with a slight bounce in his step, and he was practically shaking with excitement.

When it was just him and Tom in the studio, Bill couldn't contain his excitement any longer. Tom clearly hadn't heard the news, which was to be expected considering he tended to hide away from the media.

Bill sat himself down on one of the studio couches across from Tom, who was messing around with his guitar chords.

Bill stared at him for a moment. Imagining the joy Tom would be feeling once he heard the news. Eventually Tom felt his brothers stare.

"What?" Tom mumbled. He briefly glanced up at his brother before focusing back on the instrument in his hands.

"Guess who's coming to LA!" Bill squealed, he smacked his hands against his knees, laughing childishly.

"Mhm." Tom hummed only half listening.

Bill rolled his eyes before the excitement returned to his face.

"Maeve fucking O'Conner!" Eagerly, Bill watched his brothers face to see his reaction.

Tom's fingers that were previously strumming the guitar strings, froze momentarily before continuing. He didn't say anything, he had no excitement or interest on his face. Bill frowned. This was not the reaction he was expecting. He knew better than anyone that Maeve and Tom had a special bond.

"Did you hear me? Maeve's coming back!" Bill repeated his previous statement, hoping the reason for Tom's blank face was because he hadn't heard him.

"And then she'll leave again. Like she always does." Said Tom plainly. He didn't look the slightest bit concerned.

The joy ran off Bill's face upon hearing his twins words.

"But we'll get to see her again! It's been what? Nine years?" Bill reasoned, sounding less enthusiastic then before.

Tom closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before turning to look at his brother. He didn't want to let his anger take control of his words, he didn't want to put his sour mood out on his brother.
However Bill heard the anger in his voice, he could see it in his eyes despite his blank face.

"Don't get too attached, Bill. That's all I'm saying. She'll be gone before you know it. Maeve leaves her mark, and then she disappears."
Tom stood from the stool he was sitting on, placing the guitar on its' stand.

Tom reached over for his phone that was laying on the desk, safely putting it in his trouser pocket.

Bill watched him in disbelief.
Were these words really coming out of his brothers mouth?

"How come you suddenly say this now? Where was this anger nine years ago when she told you she was leaving?" Scoffing, Bill stood from the couch. Arms crossed over his chest he stood behind his brother expectantly.

Unlike arguing back like Bill thought he would, Tom silently left the studio.


Georg and Gustav's laughs could be heard behind the closed door of the living room. Both seemed to be in a mess of laughter.

Normally the sound would make Tom smile, he would ask what they were laughing about and join in on the fun. Right now the sound only irritated him further. Increasing his bad mood.

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