A Different Man.

978 37 82

Neither Heidi nor Ben noticed the secret glances or thick tension between Maeve and Tom. They talked adamantly to each other, whilst Maeve and Tom suffered in silence.

Maeve played around with her food, her apatite leaving her.

Tom took sips of his wine. He wanted desperately to find interest in Heidi's and Ben's conversation, but all his mind could think about was her.

The girl that was sitting inches away from him, in a beautiful black gown. With another man across from her. The girl who was as supposed to be gone from his life. He never planned on seeing her again.

Yet here she was.

Looking beautiful and young. She hadn't aged a bit. He wanted to ask her a million questions, know everything that has happened in nine years. He didn't. Instead he focused on the anger building up inside him. He remembered the pain he felt nine years ago when she left him. It was an unhealthy thing to do, but he did it anyways.

He wouldn't allow himself to suffer the heartbreak when she leaves again.

"So, how did you two meet?" Heidi looked between Ben and Maeve, waiting patiently for an answer.

Maeve let Ben do the talking.

"Maeve was visiting London. We met at a bar, I thought her outfit was great. I remember thinking, 'this girl is bound to be less of a bore than everybody else here.' Turns out I was right." Ben sent a grin to Maeve.

Heidi scoffed playfully, as did Tom. Only he sounded less playful. If Ben noticed he didn't say anything.

The more Ben and Heidi talked, the more Maeve felt herself go mad. Their conversation seemed never ending, there was always something else to say or laugh about. Maeve didn't know if Ben invited her to dinner to discuss something, or go into more detail about upcoming jobs. Regardless, none of that would be discussed tonight.

Maeve wondered if Tom was upset about it too. Clearly him and Heidi intended on having dinner together, alone.

When Ben agreed to dessert, Maeve felt the strong urge to scream.

"You guys order without me. I have a phone call to take." Politely as she could, Maeve stood from her seat and excused herself.

"Are you sure?" Heidi questioned, a confused frown on her face. She looked slightly worried.

Maeve waved her off, hoping she wouldn't take offence to her sudden and temporary departure.
"Yeah of course. I'm full after dinner anyway." Maeve shrugged. Smiling brightly, Maeve turned and made her way to the stairs. Her smile fell once her back was facing the group. She descended the stairs as fast as she could in her heels.

Once she made it outside, at the back entrance of the restaurant, Maeve felt she could finally breath. She rested her back against the building wall, rubbing her tired eyes with her hand. Sighing, Maeve squeezed her eyes closed. She leaned her head back, watching the night sky. The moon was a full one, almost completely covered by clouds.

Maeve's never been much of a smoker, but she'd kill for a cigarette right now.

Footsteps approached where she stood, she didn't acknowledge them. She prayed whoever it was would walk past her, ignore her completely. Instead they stopped, inches from where she was standing.

"I thought you had a phone call to take? Doesn't look like it from here." Tom raised a brow, his hands in his trouser pockets.

Maeve stopped herself from groaning.
"It was a quick conversation." She sarcastically replied.
Maeve moved her head to look at him, probably for the first time in nine years.

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